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buddha last won the day on July 5

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  1. iowa too high. washington too low. show more is about right... penn state as a dark horse pick. they have one tough game on their whole schedule and its at home.
  2. i dont get the slobbering over holland. is he as ground bound as stanley? no. but he's not NEARLY as athletic as ivey. again, to me he really looks like a taller, bigger kcp without the jumper. he's nba athletic but stiff. he's not fluid at all. he has shown the ability to finish in traffic but i dont know if that will translate on nba defenders. he really looks like he plays below the rim. cade is a little like that too, but cade has a fluidity to his game, a control. holland is all out to the rim and doesnt see what else is around him. maybe that comes with time. but its not there now. looks like he ceiling is nba role player. that's nothing to sneeze at but less than what you want from #5 overall. they've taken three very flawed players at #5 the last 3 years. of all of ivey, thompson, and holland, i think ivey has the best chance to break out because of the great offensive athletic ability. ausar will be defense only forever. holland looks like a jack of all trades master of none to me.
  3. some piston twitter folks are all ga-ga about what he did yesterday. i dont get it. but those are the same guys who were saying killian was an integral part of the team last year. i didnt see explosiveness, i saw a guy who could barely get over the rim on dunks. he did finish in traffic a couple times that was ok. he looks strong-ish, especially for his age. unfortunately, i am also getting stanley vibes physically. i havent heard any mindless braggadoccio yet like stanley used to do. physically he looks like a bigger kcp only he cant shoot.
  4. i dont understand, what does ron holland do well? is he that good of an athlete? doesnt seem like it. can he defend his butt off like ausar? doesnt seem like it. can he shoot? no. not at all. can he dribble and get his own shot? didnt seem like it. he seems quite ordinary in every way. i get that summer league is a joke and a glorified pick up game, but for a guy who was touted as an athletic freak you would assume he would show out in such and environment. instead he looks boring, ground bound, and ordinary. i was not impressed at all. bobi looked like a more viable nba player simply because he is tall and can shoot.
  5. that's WAAAAAAAAAY too much money for veleno. he's replaceable for anyone with a modicum of physicalness and a low amount of skill. congrats for making veleno an actual nhl player, which he is now ans wasnt two years ago. but if you got rid of klim kostin because you didnt want to pay a 4th line winger $2m, then why are you paying a 4th line center OVER $2 million? makes no sense unless you are really valuing continuity and locker room things we dont know about. veleno is the most replaveable forward on the roster.
  6. if youre in year 5 of a rebuild and you only have ONE player who could bring you back significant assets you have failed tremendously. but we all know this was a tremendous failure. even if they win 35 games this year the rebuild is a tremendous failure.
  7. i expect cade to take a significant step forward this year.
  8. i cant wait for the first JEIII article about how klintman is the key to the team and once he gets on the floor the pistons will really start to hum... remember how we traded up for sasser? a "6'1" shooting guard? i hate weaver so much.
  9. come on, 84's best posts are when he's amped up on dr pepper and telling us that the red wings/lions/tigers 6th round pick is a real sleeper and destined for the hall of fame. i'd rather have that than some sorry old man shaking his fist at a cloud and complaining about everything. 🙂 /s debbie downer.
  10. he wants to leave the niners so he can get paid. not sure the lions are in a position to pay him what he wants.
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