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Posts posted by Netnerd

  1. 48 minutes ago, Motor City Sonics said:

    I am of the impression that at least 90% of the people that post here are supporting Democrats, but how many of you were Republicans or Independents in the past - and was it Trump or were  you already changing.    Usually people get more conservative as they get older...............Just wondering, because it seems odd that a baseball/sports sight would be so seemingly lopsided.  

    Insightful question.

    McCain’s choosing Sarah Palin did me in. GW Bush was hard enough to take seriously. Ever since Palin it’s been a parade of clowns from the GOP.

    We’ll see if we’ve hit bottom yet.

  2. 50 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

    The same with our ballot. Choice between the incumbent Trump toady, Independent guy who quotes 2000 Mules and a retired Army colonel and former county official with an impressive resume.

    The election is baked, unfortunately unless the Independent somehow manages to take enough votes away from the incumbent which is unlikely.

    Voted by mail a few weeks ago..

    Hmm… sounds like our Iowa US senate race, except our colonel is a Navy admiral.

  3. 4 hours ago, oblong said:

    What policy did Biden implement that caused inflation here.  And everywhere?

    This. Exactly. 

    MAGA talking heads blame Biden but never give reasons.

    We’d be in the same mess if Trump had won. It’s the one, small reason I’d like to see Trump in office again. Instead of coasting on good momentum he’d fail miserably trying to actually fix stuff.

  4. 10 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:


    This is the same guy who falsely claimed to be assaulted in a Sioux Falls hotel elevator in 2021, so there’s that.

    Sounds like the FBI might have confirmed this one, though.

    Hardees in Mankato? I’ve been there. What a dive. What I don’t understand is why such a good Republican wasn’t at Pizza Ranch.

  5. 19 minutes ago, romad1 said:

    I heard Charlie Christ on Morning Joe just now...holy snikes he's running on Christian Love as his platform.   Will that work? 

    It might not work, but at least it’s proper. I’ll hold more respect for this than militant religiosity.

  6. 1 hour ago, romad1 said:

    The air power thing is a real problem.  F-16s and Western aircraft in general are something of a challenge.  1.  Ukraine airfields are austere like all soviet era airfields.  They are used to ignoring runway maintenance.   FOD (Foreign Object Debris) is cleared out of the way so the ultra complex GE and Rolls Royce engines on Western fighters can operate without having stones and birds and deer sucked into the engines.

    So, the Ukrainian airforce wants F-18s which apparently were modified in 2009 to have improved resistance to FOD and 2.  The F-18 has two engines which give the airframe better survivability. 

    That was one of the primary considerations of the Canadians when they chose the F-18 back in the day.  Long distances and arctic conditions meant they wanted their pilots to have a second motor to row the boat home in the event of in-flight emergencies.  I worked in an F-16 unit at Selfridge back in the day.  That plane had a very perilous situation when the engine went out.  They had a back up power unit control the electric controls so it could at least control its flight surfaces.   When that backup power unit was engaged it triggered an automatic checklist with the EPA because the weird substance used was highly toxic.   F-16: wonderful dogfighting aircraft, not as expensive as bigger models, but i'd rather have two engines. 

    F-16 = Lawn Dart

  7. 1 hour ago, chasfh said:

    Joe Biden accomplished the one thing I care the most about: he wrested the presidency away from that loud-mouthed criminal fascist.

    Not sure that was an accomplishment, though. Joe Biden was the default, less bad than TFG.

    I think TFG won Biden's election for him. "Anyone But Trump" was a sizeable chunk of Biden's winning majority, I suspect.

  8. 4 minutes ago, romad1 said:

    It existed before that in the other site.  The origin was Jan 6 2021 or right after Jan 6.   

    The premise obviously, is that the lunatic fringe were weaponized by the mobbed up grifters and fixers in the RW ecosphere and then unleashed which required bold strokes by the normals to clean it up up.  Some of that has occurred to the lunatics (over 850 arrests and convictions re: Jan 6) but the Jan 6 commission has yet to land a big fish (from my optic) among the grifters and fixers who did the weaponizing. 


    (Normals:  people who believe in and live by constitutional norms. e.g,. those who swore and believe in the oaths they take to support and defend the Constitution)

    I followed the thread on the old site, too.

    I’m losing hope that a critical mass of “normal” exists in the USA - or that it ever will in my lifetime.

    I used to find this thread amusing, still hoping that sensibility would prevail. I hoped enough people would imagine what this country would’ve looked like if January 6 had succeeded. (Who would want THAT mob to be in charge?)

    It was amusing. I feel more futility now. Do we have what it takes as a nation to call out this crap?

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  9. 35 minutes ago, Archie said:

    Putin keeps pushing the limits hitting civilians, hospitals and other civilian targets.  This isn't our war to fight and staying out it is about the only thing the Biden admin has done I agree with.  It doesn't change the fact that Biden is extremely weak and Putin takes advantage of that.

    You are taking a quote from a topic that facts and evidence were available.  It has nothing to do with this but go ahead and twist my words to fit your game.  

    I’m not twisting your words. You stated a principle by which you claim to abide.

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