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Mr.TaterSalad last won the day on October 19 2022

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  1. That sucks for Badgley. Always feel bad for a guy when he gets a significant injury like this.
  2. Has any candidate ever fizzled out more on a national stage than DeSantis?
  3. Trump has to absolutely regret picking Ohio State grad JP Mandel now right?
  4. Listening to Harris' stump speech in Wisconsin and contrasting her fire and vigor to Joe Biden is night and day. She's making a great case against Trump and MAGA in a way Biden just wasn't. It might not mean anything in the end and she might just lose this election. But she's sure articulating and prosecuting a strong case against Trump.
  5. Pennsylvania's Lieutenant Governor is a black, Democratic guy named Austin Davis. It seems like he would be next in line to replace Shapiro as the Governor of PA.
  6. What parallels, if any, exist between the pleasantly surprising French election results and ours? Could the polling be wrong here too and underestimating Democrat support, while overestimating Republican support? Wishful thinking on my part?
  7. Why can't we see Trump's medical evaluation from the assassination attempt?
  8. I would think the way to handle all this is for Biden to voluntarily announce he is not running and announce he's supporting Harris for President. He can make a statement on social media over the weekend/next week. Once Biden is rested and recouped from Covid he holds a formal press conference, with Harris there with him, and announces his endorsement of Kamala Harris for President and that he's turning his campaign team/funds/apparatus over to Kamala.
  9. I think Harris just acts as the defacto likely nominee and starts campaigning as such. Given that she can likely takeover the campaign donations that Biden has already amassed she can begin to run ads (TV, radio, digital, print) and make her case for why her over anyone else and why her over Trump.
  10. I do have a hard time believing average voters watched much of this speech, let alone almost all two hours of it. I do worry though that the soft spoken beginning of his speech may allow people to forget the nasty, vile, dishonest, narcissistic Trump they've come to disdain.
  11. Like, you can literally buy a gas, hybrid, or electric car now as it is.
  12. What do you think the average, independent and swing voter thinks of this speech? Does his toned down, less raucous, less grievance filled speech is appealing to them in any way?
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