God help us all. Just an FYI, next time you get on a plane, look for me in the cockpit. I'm going to be a pilot now, maybe I'll be yours. I played a few rounds of Microsoft Flight Simulator and read some things online so now I'm qualified to be a pilot. I'm sure you won't mind that I have no training as a pilot and no experience flying a commercial airliner. Afterall, you don't mind putting your nation's healthcare and wellbeing in the hands of an anti-vax, untrained, uneducated individual who has no prior experience or education in public health or the medical profession. I'll be a heroin up there in the cockpit or is that heroine. Ah well, who cares, either way, you don't really need any formal training or education for the job you hold anymore, pilot, HHS Secretary, etc. See you in the friendly skies. 🙂