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pfife last won the day on November 13 2024

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  1. I have to a lot these days because i turned off all autocorrect on my phone. I got tired of erasing "duck" all the time
  2. What burn? Holding you to your own standards is a burn?
  3. You should better inform yourself then
  4. Lol nice mispeak. Hypocrite.
  5. Given the new found penchant for not mispeaking semantically, guess who tends to so that a lot? Drunk people. Just more hypocrisy. Higher standards for an internet commenter than the guuy running the pentagon. Typical maga.
  6. Btw since youve decided semantics is your passion, he didnt speak it, he typed it. At least get the basic facts straight with your passion
  7. So you now get to declare that alcohol isnt a drug and also get to declare someone else mispoke? Arrogant.
  8. if you have the woke mind virus otherwise alcohol is a performance enhancing drug that I hope the secretary of defense uses aplenty
  9. imagine debasing yourself this badly to defend the honor of markwayne mullets and peep hegseth
  10. well he is in that everyone rapes way
  11. The pardon didn't lower the standards. too bad he didn't do it while drunk then you'd support it
  12. Ford and GM did you forget? Are you drunk?
  13. If he cant or wont honor an oath to his wife why would anyone expect him to honor an oath of service Must be drunk to expect that from a drunk
  14. You voted for him and also the pardon was objectively the correct decision. You already lost this argument multiple times. Are you drunk posting again like everyone
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