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chasfh last won the day on July 21

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About chasfh

  • Birthday 07/11/1961

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  1. You are right in that they've been one of the best hitting teams in baseball for the whole season, it's just lately they're flailing.
  2. I was going just going to ask for Baumeister, but looks like you just sent him to Tampa, which means he would have been a good ask for me. I will send you Skubal only in exchange for Holliday, Young, Fabian, Luis De Leon, and Michael Forret. Say yes and I will have my guy draw up the papers.
  3. No shĭt ... that's because DD never sticks around for the long run, so he's not the one looking foolish.
  4. If that's what Puk is getting, imagine what we can get for Chafin.
  5. Indians have been one of the worst hitting teams in baseball for a whole month, and especially in the last two weeks. With all the injuries the Tigers have, we have nothing to buy for.
  6. Welp, that puts the nail in the standing pat coffin. We are definitively selling even if we win the next four.
  7. This happens to far too many series that have promising beginnings: they start to believe their press clippings, so they start producing self-indulgent nonsense.
  8. I remember watching the movie, being bored out of my mind, and asking myself who the hell directed this mess, Ron Howard or Clint Howard?
  9. I was just coming in to post that I will bet a dollar that over the weekend Trump kicks JD to the curb for the humiliation he is bringing to the campaign. Not because of the Diet Mountain Dew racism crack, or the cat lady crack, or the people with children should get more say crack, but strictly because of the couch-****ing meme. Trump doesn't care if people are enraged at him, but he definitely cares if people are laughing at him. Once he does boot Jorkin off the ticket, Mrs. Emhoff should hammer Agent Orange for his inability to figure out who the "Best People" are.
  10. Do you really not get the "many people are saying" joke that's clearly about what Trump routinely says?
  11. I agree, but there's a fine line between balancing the two properly and overplaying one's hand too much to the innocuous side. Couch-****ing sounds so ludicrous that it's easy to dismiss anyone engaging in it as a nothingburger. JD Vance would not be a nothingburger if he came into power, not even as vice president.
  12. Man, I hate running out of likes.
  13. That might be true, although I do wonder whether its effectiveness can benefit from message pulsing: focus on the original message until people are saturated with it, pause that message for a while and focus on some other message, then come back to the original message after a planned period of time at which point it will have impact again. We used that strategy in advertising media all the time.
  14. Right, I would rather Vance be framed as a dangerous man we have to take seriously, versus a clown we can laugh at and dismiss. A lot of us did that with Trump eight years ago and how did that turn out.
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