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Motor City Sonics

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  1. Wow, based on half a season? Ummm........okay. I enjoy how angry this is probably making Aaron Rodgers.
  2. Childless people should not be allowed to vote Pregnant women need to be monitored to see where they go if they leave a state Racist Mountain Dew Wouldn't have been better off taking Dan Quayle.
  3. But what about BLM blasting the process. I mean you combine the angry BLM folks and Kwame's pull and he's gonna get up to 1, maybe 1.2 percent !
  4. Wait'll Kwame starts campaigning for reals !
  5. Another thing dawned on me the other day 16 years ago on the night that Obama was accepting the nomination, it was the 45th anniversary of the I Have A Dream speech and McCain ran an ad during the DNC congratulating Obama on that historic moment. Wow, has that party changed. I didn't like them back then, but wow, that was a very classy move by McCain.
  6. I really don't get where the JD Vance and sofa thing comes from.............but I am enjoying it. I was at a Lemon Twigs concert last night - and they were beyond awesome. I missed Biden's speech, so I watched some of it this morning and what I came away with was how Trump was probably losing his mind while watching it......totally freaking out..........and that made it one of the best speeches ever.
  7. The Lincoln Project folks are going to have a Field Day with this.
  8. I wonder if some think that Joe is going to resign the Presidency tonight. I get why he'd want to maybe help Kamala by giving her the chance to have that title going in, but the biggest risk to that is MAGA Mike would be the next one up and we can't risk that. Joe can stay in DC and get the job done.
  9. Have you ever looked at the 1968 Democratic Primary results? Robert Kennedy Sr. (the sane RFK) didn't even enter the race until March 16th. Eugene McCarthy was leading. He had the most votes and the most delegates overall Then Kennedy got the momentum. Humphrey entered late. Going into the conventioin McCarthy 38% Kennedy 30% LBJ 5% Humphrey 2% And conventional wisdom would lead you to believe that at least 2/3rds of Kennedy's votes would have gone to McCarthy, probably more, so it wasn't even close, the Democratic voters wanted McCarthy, the power brokers thought he was too liberal. Look, Kennedy and McCarthy appealed to the same type of voter, but Kennedy jumped in because he didn't think McCarthy had the charisma to go all the way. I think Bobby would have trounced Nixon. But once he and MLK died and the Democrats went to the cynical old establishment, their voters felt abandoned, so they abandoned the party in return. They nominated Humphrey (and got their asses kicked). They would have lost with McCarthy too, but maybe not as much. I'm just saying that you don't need to have Primaries to pick your nominee. Can't think of a more uninspiring choice than Hubert Humphrey. Talk about dry white toast.
  10. But it seems to me that there are several versions of BLM run by several different people with differing agendas. There is no name representing it and until it gets organized that way, can it be taken all that seriously? I think this was brought up in the TV series "Newsroom" when Jeff Daniels challenged a 99%'er by saying You have no face, you have no message. You need to congeal your movement into one message with one spokesperson and a few surrogates - or else you're all just yelling into the wind. That's BLM. There are realistic and pragmatic wings and there are radical wings. And the radical wing will never be happy with anything anyone ever does. I understand why they exist, but the execution is a mess. They need their MLK. They needs someone that speaks for them with one unifying message and that doesn't seem to be happening. So what is BLM? It's an acronym with a bunch of people yelling into the wind. If they are not happy, they can run their own candidate. See, the problem wasn't the job Biden has done. He's done an excellent job. Has he botched a few things? Yes, he's human, but overall he's done a very good job and that work needs to continue, but seeing his debate performance and his slowing physical movements in recent months, it was clouding the message. Now the legacy can continue with someone more vibrant and inspiring for a wide swath of younger voters. He simply is too old for a second term. It's just the truth. That job ages people and he was older to begin with - so passing the torch to the VP, which is a little unusual, makes perfect sense. It's like a logo re-branding, with the product being the same - you just needed to modernize. They have and it has galvanized the movement and completely cut the legs out from under the singular Republican strategy of "HE'S OLD!". Actually, it's flipped it on it's head. Both Trump and Biden are too old but now only Trump has to deal with that. The new Republican strategy of the whole DEI thing is only working with the people that are already on board. Let them continue on that path.
  11. Any Democrat can post a challenge at any time they like. She's not the official nominee yet. Who is BLM anyway? Is there any true organization behind it? Black Lives are gonna matter a whole lot more under a President Harris than whatever the Republicans throw out there.
  12. Another great thing is that ALL the attention is on Harris now - Trump is barely getting any attention and he's sitting there watching TV obsessively, as always, and not seeing himself come first and he is livid and it's great. Lots of **** is getting thrown.
  13. I'm feeling a lot better today than I was last Friday. There's massive energy now. The VP pick is important. I like Kelly because he was in the military (and Trump insults the military) but he's also a great speaker who has some clout when it comes to immigration and he's for sensible gun control while still being a 2nd amendment supporter and when he talks about that it has meaning. He leans a little more conservative than Kamala, which is a good thing, you don't need a carbon copy like Trump/Vance. There's about to be a Youthquake. And guys like Trump (and many Republican men) don't like strong, smart or confident women - because they're horribly insecure. They're pathetic. Let them keep attacking. I agree with that statement Let Their Racism (and Misogyny) Be YOUR Rocket Fuel. BLAST OFF ! It's so enjoyable to see them freaking out. Makes them look so weak and unprepared.
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