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1776 last won the day on June 30

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  1. What is it about straight answers to direct questions with you? It’s an easy question.
  2. I believe the polls will determine whether or not he’ll debate her. Kind of the flip side of your point, if he trails in the polls by a margin that doesn’t favor his campaign, I think he debates her. Sort of a “get out of jail” card if you will. Yes, the pun is there. If he is up a comfortable percentage, I could see him saying no to a debate. However, your last sentence will likely win out.
  3. Is this what it takes to watch the Tigers play in their ****ty Connect unis?
  4. Do you hold that same sentiment toward your parents?
  5. Do you honestly believe there won’t be at LEAST one debate between Trump and Harris?
  6. I am surprised Eflin got moved. Aaron Civales was traded earlier. Zack Littell’s name is out there too as being available.
  7. You really do have to wonder about Riley’s durability going forward regarding his wheels.
  8. Frankly, I think you’d have a difficult time of it if you tried.
  9. I’m not trying to incite a riot here with my question, but in all seriousness, what purpose does posting ‘tweets’ here that offer nothing of substance accomplish? Could you have not made the exact same comment you copied and inserted above. (Answer: Yes.) Do you feel that inserting someone else’s opinion infers some higher level of credibility than you possess? Like it’s more valid! ”Many people are saying…” Seriously? It’s just so pointless.
  10. The Rays traded Arozarena to Seattle for two Low-A prospects and a player to be named later.
  11. I can’t see the Tigers eating that much money. At least another year before I could imagine them doing that. But again, why does Hinch let this guy bat to lead off the ninth one run down! That’s not even managing. It’s like he had already given up. Inexcusable. The lollygaggers in the press should raise the question of what went into his decision not to ph for Baez.
  12. Flaherty sitting there thinking-please trade me.
  13. Irresponsible to not PH for Baez. Any other ML manager would not have let him go to the plate in that situation.
  14. Barring a PH, Baez will lead off the inning. Whose excited!
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