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Sports_Freak last won the day on July 15

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  1. Not a chance. He's had a few good games that entitles him to a few more starts. But more importantly, there's nobody else. Even with him, we're short 2 starters.
  2. Yeah. Cause the Twins woulda been in Detroit. 😁
  3. Riley to the 10 day IL. He really didn't look right yesterday.
  4. Montero had a few good starts. Young pitchers are sometimes inconsistent. Our biggest need is starting pitching. And you guys wanna trade our only two reliable starters...jeezzzz 😆
  5. They want to make more money by forcing people to come to the ballpark for dinner. What's a hot dog going for there now, about $7?
  6. Well, I never looked at the stats. Just the eye test, their offense scares me. But when pitching shuts them down, their pitching and defense seems suspect. I did say they're beatable, which makes the division more open. KC will eventually fade (I hope).
  7. Have they really? Ramirez scares me, he always seems to burn us. I don't think much of his defense though. I knew the Guardians have been struggling but I assumed it was their lack of quality pitchers. My bad...
  8. Boyd and Norris...together again..🤣🤣 Oops...this post was from last year. My bad...
  9. And talking about trading 2 of them. That may have been the plan all season but the Tigers are on a roll. Making the playoffs is a longshot but so is getting "prospects" for established players. Flaherty, I can see getting traded, he was signed to improve and move at the deadline but trading both of these guys sounds a bit like giving up....before August. SMH
  10. Final note on this completed 4 game series; Colt Keith started and play all 4 games without striking out a single time. Pretty impressive. He's fitting into the 2 hole pretty nicely.
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