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Edman85 last won the day on February 29

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  1. Apologies to @RandyMarsh for the picture that would be censored. Still doesn't show up in Pocketcasts...
  2. I love playing the "guess the headshot" game on BR.
  3. Billy Eppeler's suspension was a shot across the bow to keep teams from the phantom IL move.
  4. bWAR agrees with fWAR and there is separation.
  5. Career fWAR says Cobb, Kaline, Gehringer
  6. FWIW, I do think thin skin on social media can be a bit of a warning sign.
  7. Is there a vote tally out there? I'm curious where my rep voted. Edit, I see from his twitter he voted in favor, but used it to trash Biden's border policy, which is odd considering how that went down last month.
  8. You and me both, pal. By the way, I think this is the one Trump related case I think I could be fair and impartial on. This whole story is absurd, I don't really have strong opinions, and my history of officiating shows I can turn on the fair and objective side of my brain.
  9. Pedro Garcia in Lakeland is off to a rough start...
  10. You will be waiting a while to see how Mattison develops. He just got the Tommy John.
  11. If you are interested in Mattison, you will be waiting a while.
  12. I........ don't know that I particularly care what Bless You Boys says about a prospect. I wouldn't put much, if any, stock in anything from them, unless they have scoops on injuries or something.
  13. Why are these gag order hearings so far down the road. It's happening now and needs to stop now.
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