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Everything posted by number20

  1. Fields just looks like a turnover waiting to happen. You can almost see it coming
  2. It was working. Over 100 yards in the 1st half. It also kept the Bears' offense off the field. I don't understand what Johnson is doing
  3. Bend don't break. I'll take it. Need this potent offense to get rolling
  4. I think keeping this game on the ground could be the difference today. Funny how the Lions have had such a bad running game for so many years. Stafford never had one his entire career. Holmes and Campbell come in and immediately turn the Lions into a potent running team
  5. Hand off to LaPorta. Lol. Wherever Johnson ends up next year, I just hope it’s the AFC
  6. Gibbs looks almost unstoppable today. I'd just keep feeding him the ball
  7. This looks a lot like the Ravens game. Maybe they'll tighten things up and pull out some miracle win at the end, but this sure feels like a loss, doesn't it?
  8. Patriots win helps the Bears. They've been the luckiest damn team in the league this year as far as the 2024 draft. Everything just keeps falling their way
  9. Yeah I hastily typed my msg before I saw lordstanley's post on Ragnow being out. Balance of power shifts a little there
  10. I remember that. You turned out to be right in the end. Goff's really been fantastic
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