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Dtrain72 last won the day on July 16 2022

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  1. Lol. Causing pain to the yankees and all their little league sychophants in the stands give me slight pleasure
  2. The cutoff man had the ball before Jayce even hit 3rd base...that wasnt a good send at all, and it's not like it was a bang bang close play with Jayce half way to homeplate when the cutoff guy got the ball, he was dead to rights 30 feet in front of home plate...just admit it was a bad send by Cora, come on man
  3. We all knew this espn broadcast was gonna gargle the yankees sack tonite, but it's still no less irritating.
  4. Ooof, even 97.1 Mark Ryan is lambasting AJ, pissed off, and blaming him for this loss...and Mark has been the biggest Tiger turd polisher this side of Bally's all season...
  5. I've accepted the recent losses as it is what it is with this team at this point...but there's certain inflection point, imo preventable, losses that bring my ire and stick in my craw...this was one of 'em. Miller should have been on a short leash, then pulled after the first two guys got on (shouldnt even be on the roster, but I digress)...it was obvious to everyone in the universe he was ripe for a meltdown the way he was throwing, but apprently it wasnt obvious to AJ.
  6. Lol, Dan just called Javy "Harvy" right before that strike out pitch...Freudian slip?
  7. Agreed, that hot sack of flaming porch poop in a bag is as much Hinch's fault as Miller's
  8. Seriously, dfa/cut him the minute this game is over...I want full draconian Scott Harris
  9. Get motherf*cking a$$ sh*t poop Miller off of this team now.
  10. Gawd I f*cking hate harvy on this team
  11. Anybody got that gofundme link to help buyout and dfa harvy?
  12. I'd be remiss if I didnt give Maeda his flowers for getting through 3 2/3 clean innings and keeping the team in the game.
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