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Posts posted by Dtrain72

  1. 2 hours ago, Sports_Freak said:

    Think we'll win a game on this trip?

    Imo if we dont win today, then no.  This team has always struggled in recent years on the road against the Dodgers, really dont see a change in that trend this time around, especially against their good pitching vs our loaded diaper offense.

  2. I knew that saturday 13 point Miggy 3000 hit game was gonna have have to get leveled out with 4-5 straight losses...it is the way of this offense😐

    And from the looks of it, not only does Badoo need to be sent down, but I'd say Candy and maybe even Haase could use some Toledo time.  And who knows what to do with Schoop...feels like he's a parachute that may open as an anvil or finally catch wind and land safely; if he doesnt do anything by the time this road trip is over, it might be bench time for him.

    Also, having literally no power from the DH who is also batting cleanup, is literally the opposite of what that spot in the lineup needs.  If Miggy is gonna be on this team hitting singles as a DH, he really should be in the 5 or 6 hole.

    This offense is a mess.  After getting swept in Minny and then LA, it'll be interesting to see what sort of moves are made by the next home stand.  Tbh, getting Clemens and Kriedler up and finding a spot for them can't be much worse at this point.

  3. Just now, UCFKNIGHT said:

    Why are Avila and Hinch allowing this junk mediocrity to continue? Make some damn changes to this current roster. There is just no sense of urgency with this team.

    Bring up Kriedler and Celemens for 2nd and 3rd base...demote Candy to Toledo, Schoop can ride the pine while whichever of the Kried/Clem get's some games under their belt at 2nd.  Not sure what to do about catcher, guess it'll have to be a Barnhart/Garnaeu rotation for a bit.  This team def needa a shake up, and only a few weeks in...gj AL.

  4. 1 minute ago, gehringer_2 said:

    I can't even understand what Haase thought he was looking at when he threw the ball, there wasn't even an out to be made at 3rd at that point.

    There was literally no reason/play at 3rd base, it should have been an easy play for any MLB player that didnt go full baseball rtard...and yes, Haase went full baseball rtard; like shouls get demoted to AA from that play alone baseball rtard.

  5. Seriously, I 100% guarantee this team will need new 3rd and 2nd basemen by next season.  Who we got for the plan, Kriedler at 3rd and Clemens at 2nd? FA signings?  No way in hell can this team roll with Schoop and Candy as part of the future...and yep, I'll say only this far into the season, those guys have no spot on this team if the sights are to make and compete in the playoffs.

  6. 1 minute ago, mtutiger said:

    I dont want to be one of these guys who makes excuses, but there have been some good signs today. Barnhart looking more like the guy who was advertised, Robbie starting to get hot, Meadows mixing in more extra base power into his game.

    But they really need better production out of 4 and 5. Nothing is holding this team back more at the moment.

    Looking back at some of these losses and if this team had just another 5-6 hits out of the Candy/Schoop combo, we're probably looking at a couple more wins.  Hell, even today they've both had chances to drive some runs in, but all we get is a box of rocks.

  7. 6 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

    There's an emotional element of Miggy's accomplishment... maybe a bit of a hangover from that

    Maybe, but offensively, today and last night has been this team's m.o. this season, before Miggys game one yesterday...this is the norm.

  8. 2 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

    I dont have a problem with playing Haase in left.

    But at some point, you have to move Tork up in the lineup. I get that he's a rookie and you're trying to protect him some, but if the goal is to win ballgames, its the right thing to do.

    For all the talk from AJ about how this team is based on meritocracy, he sure loves to jam an awful Candy at the cleanup spot down our throats.

  9. For all the shit I've given AL, Meadows was a great signing.  This team could easily have 3-4 more losses at this point without his bat in the lineup.  Now just gotta figure out 2nd and 3rd base next season.

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