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Posts posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. 20 minutes ago, kdog said:

    The strikeouts are fine if he has a .200 average.

    This is our biggest problem. Guys that are not MLB ready. How many contenders have multiple 25 man players that can't hit MLB pitching? 

  2. 2 hours ago, pfife said:

    Says the guy trying to get the last word.  

    Glass houses 

    My point being after you were asked to stop you had to get one more dig in. 

  3. 48 minutes ago, pfife said:

    I definitely agree to it, I'm strongly in favor of him posting less videos of people hating Israel and Jews and I'm willing to make that 48 hour sacrifice. 

    Chief always has to have the last word tho.

    • Like 1
  4. 9 minutes ago, pfife said:

    So in the actual war we have actual Israel negotiating with actual Hamas...

    and simultaneously you guys think universities shouldn't negotiate with their students.  

    LOL it's as if you didn't actually care about the war in the first place and were just virtue signaling

    I would classify the college protests as your favorite phrase, virtue signaling. In fact, it would be the definition of said phrase.

  5. 1 hour ago, Motown Bombers said:

    No and the youngins are going to be mad. They aren't going to forget to pack a lunch this time. 

    Wait, I thought the college elites protests were the catalyst behind the latest ceasefire initiative? Where they duped again?

  6. Semester is over. We had to have our daughter moved out of her dorm in Chicago today. Mommy and Daddys money doesn't work during summer break. 

  7. 1 hour ago, pfife said:

    Pro-Palestinian demonstrators reach agreement with UC Riverside’s administration


    Another peacefully negotiated end.

    from the article. I have not heard anybody NOT calling the events in GAZA a humanitarian crisis.

    One demand was met within hours, when Wilcox emailed a statement to the student body acknowledging the events in Gaza as a “humanitarian crisis.”

    I am so thankful that all the Rubbermaid trash cans at UC will be left in one piece tonight.


  8. 18 minutes ago, RatkoVarda said:


    but universal service of some kind would be awesome for the country

    Agree, plus they would out of there with a skill set. At least teach them how to make armor shields out of something more than a rubbermaid trash can lol.

  9. I really worry about this generation. Miltary recruitment is at an all time low. However most of our enemies are out there getting battle tested nearly daily. 

  10. 32 minutes ago, oblong said:


    So true. I remember in the beginning of MAGA many folks just shrugged them off and even made excuses for them to justify behavior. It wasn’t until it was to late that they realized they transformed the whole GOP into the MAGA image.

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