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romad1 last won the day on July 23

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  1. Donald Trump led an insurrection on 6/Jan/2021 and stole classified documents and was convicted of 34 felonies. But he also says weird things like this.
  2. The post was about the aggressive response from the Harris team. Speculating about the fears or concerns of Donald Trump after his nearly humanizing brush with death is a separate conversation.
  3. The unleashed Harris team is something we have been waiting for for nearly 10 years of the Trump era. Won't debate: its because you are scared. Make crap up about the economy or abortion: we see your search history of tentacle porn. You esouse weird views: you freaks are weird and represent the craziest sludge in the cousin-loving, dolphin-lusting gene pool.
  4. Who among us has not? Let he who is without sin cast the first net.
  5. Seems like this would work
  6. Bulletgate FBI Wants to Quiz Trump Over Truth About ‘Bullet’ Wound (yahoo.com)
  7. particularly when they ban IVF because it wasn't in the Old Testament.
  8. From the comments from that tweet. I like this in relation to Roe, and cat lady. The GOP realizing what they have done.
  9. Weird and dangerous is the correct framing.
  10. "Cat lady" is a bigger deal. Trump firing his campaign staff because of their rank incompetence might not change your vote but it will cause disruption for him. So, anything that leads to that outcome works.
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