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  1. I have used the word "diaspora" multiple times on MTF today...weird.
  2. I want to face NY just because it validates us on the big stage (like whipping the Astros didn't already do that). The whole MLB would hate it if two regional teams were in the ALCS narrative bores me. Nobody watches the MLB playoffs except the people in those two towns or their diaspora of fans.
  3. thinking conceptually about that. Christian Nationalists who believe that their blood and soil are being invaded by the others are going to have a different perspective on the guy down the street who meets the description in their liturgy of "the invader". Also, I do think that a lot of very conservative Muslims come to this country and lose control of their kids and then become more liberalized by their kids as they realize the old grievances and prejudices don't matter so much in the grand scheme. But, that's only some.
  4. well, the implication is that a large diaspora community like that in SE Michigan is the former not the latter. I mean the IIRC, the Arab Voice of Detroit broadcaster was a well-known Baathist with extensive ties to Sadaam Hussein. The Shia community is taking notes from the leadership of the church back home and so forth. I would hope for more of the latter melting pot where people dissolve into their American grievances and not the ones from back in the old country but some of those never go away.
  5. The handwringy NYT looking for ways to make their readers more nervous.
  6. tell me if you think will have any impact It seems like self-serving garbage.
  7. Yeah, they used to send me all sorts of requests to participate in the GOP here. I haven't seen one in a while. Loudon County is the gold plated county next door to Fairfax county and happens to have several large Asian immigrant diasporas. They call Ashburn, Ashburndesh to kid them about all the South Asians. Fairfax wishes we had their very nice sports facilities.
  8. Well, that is just wrong and she will correct that
  9. This would be a driver of hesitation among the PLA leadership. They know they lack experience in complex operations. The last real war that China was in was 1979 invasion of Vietnam. They had a couple dustups with peacekeepers in Africa recently they did really poorly at. One thing the PRC knows though is that they have to fight a more complex war than the Russians are in Ukraine. They know they need to figure out joint warfare and dynamic targeting. They are investing in these things to a degree Russia wouldn't dream of through their pigheadedness.
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