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Posts posted by Hongbit

  1. 5 minutes ago, romad1 said:

    Covid may actually put this game at risk

    It would take something monumental for the powers that be in college football to postpone this game. 

    13 hours ago, romad1 said:

    Is this their starter? 


    guess not.  I gather they thought he might get playing time in the CFP game.

    There is some behind the scenes drama going on.  He was the starter and was injured and rumor is that the family and coaching staff had a different view on when he was ready to play.  Word is that  Kirby chose to just wash his hands of the situation and go with Stetson Bennett.  

  2. 16 minutes ago, TP_Fan said:

    Hard not to like Campbell the man. Last few weeks he has shown improvement as a coach.  Players love him. If he can make this team a winner, he will own the city. Need more players.  

    I agree with this.   Ive always been a fan of the guy.  He’s got an infectious personality that people gravitate towards.  My questions were about his football acumen as a head coach.  He’s done some really nice things the past few weeks both in game plan and even more surprising as an offensive play caller.   He’s definitely learning and improving and has me rethinking my thoughts about what he could become as a head coach.  

  3. 3 minutes ago, Motown Bombers said:

    The worst thing about this game for the Lions is that Aaron Glenn may have secured a head coaching job in the offseason. 

    Not a chance. He’s done a decent job with what he has but I can’t imagine anyone hiring the defensive coordinator from a 2-11-1 team.    I’’ll be shocked if he even gets an interview anywhere but that is at least possible.   

  4. This is a classic Lions game.   It would be better for their long term interests to lose which is why they will pull off a shocking win.   Even in victory they find a way to fuck themselves a little.  

    Lions ML +575

    • Like 2
  5. Let’s say that you grow up dreaming of being a professional football player.   This is everything that you prepare your life for from a small child all the way through high school.   You spend years of training and personal sacrifice dedicated to become a highly sought after high school player.   What are your options to achieve your goal of getting to the NFL?  

    You only have one.   You must go to college and play.  There is no other choice.  The NFL can’t draft you from high school.   College is a forced stepping stone for many of these players.    The benefit of an education can be tremendous for the ones that choose to take advantage of it but it is not why they are in college.   It is a means to their end goal and they shouldn’t be vilified for their decision to  move onto the next level as soon as they are able. 

  6. 1 hour ago, romad1 said:

    Premise fail?

    if College sports are judged on being a feeder system for the pros…

    NCAA is doing good at providing talent for NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA

    i don’t know how well it does providing talent for MLS

    but probably lousy at providing talent for 


    and whatever league controls cricket

    That is fine logic but there are still only 2 major college sports.   

  7. On 12/16/2021 at 9:27 PM, Fox Wismic said:

    How about this? Few schools are good in ALL FOUR major sports. The southern and coastal teams don't know what hockey is. The northern teams don't have 10 months a year to play baseball. Many BB schools don't have much of a football team and vice versa. MICHIGAN excels in ALL of them.

    UM Final Four in all Four.jpg

    There are only 2 major sports in college.   

  8. 3 hours ago, oblong said:

    Strictly speaking just for covid on an individual level, there's no reason to be that worried about you or your family.  But collectively it looks like it's going to crash things in our hospitals which are already at a breaking point.   The people that work there have been at this for 2 years.  They really cannot take much more.  I wish there was a way to make that point known to everyone.  They can't have cameras in there to show what it looks like to see a lot of people on ventilators and ECMO machines.  This is where we are now prior to Omicron.  Yes the data suggests it might not be as bad as previous waves but it's not a sure thing as we don't know enough about who it has hit.   The speed of Omicron is the dangerous part.  Given where our systems are now an exponential growth of cases, even at a lower severity, could put us back to field hospitals and parking garages, etc.  The next 3-4 weeks could be disruptive.  I'm anticipating some virtual things as more people test positive and have to quarantine, or just simply have a cold(covid) but are not tested but staying away.

    I'm not saying I know what the answer is because I don't see how it's avoided at this point. If you've had your booster then you'll pretty much be fine.  But a lot of people didn't and even a small % impact of severity will put a big stress on our hospitals.

    I'd avoid things that can lead to injury more than I would crowds.  You might not have any place to go.

    Prior infection as a defense against Omicron is looking to be useless, as could be the J&J vaccine.



    Thanks.   This is a great explanation.  I feel for all of our healthcare workers going on 2 years of being on the front lines.  They are heroes.  

    I was not aware that prior infection possibly could present no immunity to Omicron.    This will be a huge problem.   There are millions that didn’t get the shot because they got Covid and felt their natural immunity was not only enough but actually better than the vax (Thanks to Joe Rogan).   I really hope these people get their shots asap and don’t end up very sick.    I can see the potential nightmare now so let’s hope that results come back that immunity is stronger than first predicted.  

  9. I’m super confused as well.  Covid hit 2 years ago as a deadly virus that we knew nothing about.  They had no idea how to treat it and doctors and scientists had to figure it out as they went.  

    This is not the case with Omicron.    We have a heavily vaccinated population and a much better idea on treatment options.    The risk of death to people that weren’t already at risk due to age or prior condition is very minimal.   Dare I say, it is much like the flu for the majority of our population.     

    Am I wrong  here?   We should take some precautions but I can’t imagine doing anything on the level of what we saw in 2020.  

    • Thanks 1
  10. 1 hour ago, RedRamage said:

    The Jags remaining schedule after this week:
    @ Jets (3-10)
    @ Pats 
    The Jets game is maybe winnable.

    The Texans remaining schedule after this week:
    @ 49ers
    None of those look winnable, so I guess I'm rooting for the Texans to win this week, and the Jags next week to preserve the Lions #1 pick.

    Just as a reminder, our remaining scheudle:
    Cards - almost certainly a loss
    @ Falcons and then @ Seahawks -- neither are great teams, so it's possible we win one, or even both.
    Packers - who may not have anything to play for at that point.

    Looking at all 3 teams, the Lions seem the least likely to win a game

  11. I saw Jim Caldwell’s name thrown about as a possible candidate.   I think he’d be great for them as a bridge until they hopefully get good in a few years.   He will steady the locker room and has a long history working with hall of fame quarterbacks.   He would also probably come cheap to get back in the game.  

  12. 1 minute ago, gehringer_2 said:

    I don't think Harbaugh wants to go anywhere else. I think he likes working with College players. But we'll see.

    Most likely he stays but he seems like an odd guy that’s really hard to read. 

  13. 3 hours ago, gehringer_2 said:

    People don't believe me when I say that I think NIL is going to turn *everything*  upside down before all is said and done.

    Not sure how this is legal but these are the kinds of things groups of rich guys can come up with.  

  14. 16 minutes ago, buddha said:

    michigan finished strong.  still have some guys who might sign late too.  getting a top 10 class out of this with the way they started is a testament to how important this year's results were for them.

    the next two years - if they can continue their success - might see them get closer to having top talent again.

    Until he signs an extension, its still not certain that Harbaugh will remain as coach.   I assume Gattis will be promoted if Jim elects to take the Bears or another NFL job.  

  15. The best thing Sheila can do is stand back and let Brad Holmes do his thing.    Personally, I’m  more concerned about Rod Wood and Chris Spielman getting in his way.  

    We also can’t forget that Holmes didn’t hire Campbell.    This isn’t a Quintricia situation.  These two aren’t tied at the hip even thought they are acting like besties right now.     Campbell has time but he’s the one getting cut first if this thing doesn’t show some promise in a few years.  

    • Thanks 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

    People don't believe me when I say that I think NIL is going to turn *everything*  upside down before all is said and done.

    We haven’t scratched the surface of what NIL will become.   We are in the infancy.   It will completely change college football and the sport will look completely different within 10 years.   I expect everything will change including playoffs, bowl games, draft rules, eligibility, transfers, and of course signing day.   

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