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Posts posted by pfife

  1. 1 hour ago, Archie said:

    You guys sure get worked up by Trump but now you are living through the absolute worst POTUS in modern times.  Tell us one good thing Biden has done. 

    COVID relief bill, Vaccine distribution, Leaving afghanistan, raised minimum wage to 15 for federal workers, reversed Trump refugee bans,  sanctions for Solar Winds, reversed Trump first amendment abuses, sanctioned Myanmar, distributing disaster relief funding in a non-partisan manner

    The list goes on.

  2. There was a time, even before the 2020 election, where Trump literally just checked out with regards to Covid.  He stopped talking about it.   Just didn't even acknowledge it.   Stopped attending those public briefings. Stopped attending private briefings.   He ignored Fauci, and listened to Atlas.   He discouraged testing.  He pushed quack cures.   He was very slow on PPE and testing.   He berated mask wearing.   Woodward reported that he literally knew how contagious it was in Feb 2020, but went out there time and time again and lied about it.  

    These are decisions he made with respect to covid, and they're just the ones I can think of off the top of my head quickly.   To roll up in here and give him a pass his disasterous economy b/c of covid is a joke.   It's because of how he handled (or didn't) handle covid that gave him his numbers and he deserves them.  Worst job numbers in almost 100 years.   

    • Thanks 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

    He also was the only president in the last 100 years to deal with a global pandemic that was so bad, that not only did we see massive shut downs by economies all over the world, we even saw the NCAA choose the welfare of their athletes over money.  Yes, that bad.

    yeah it's weird that with all of that, which everyone can clearly see, he repeatedly chose bad policy and made it oh so much worse.  That's a huge portion of why his job numbers were so crappy.  For instance, how much better would we have been if he ENCOURAGED Covid testing instead of DISCOURAGED covid testing?   

    What's actually hilarious is that most of his actions were at the disregard of public health, and solely for the economy, and perhaps even specifically the stock market.  And he still f'd it up bad.   

    I guess if you want to defend him you can, but that's weird given it's obvious he sucked.  I guess he's super rad if he inherits a good economy then never has to deal with any adversity.   

    And I haven't even gotten to how he repeatedly pressured Jerome Powell, oftentimes successfully, to keep using the Fed to pump money into the economy even while he was out there claiming it was the greatest economy in the history of ever, pre-Covid era.   Guess what that does?  It's called inflation.  I hear conservatives don't like inflation these days.   

  4. 20 minutes ago, Archie said:

    Obama was the worst in handling racism, hatred and violence.  Trump did a better job with sentencing issues and not coddling criminals.

    what specifically did Trump do with sentencing issues and not coddling criminals?  Dude pardoned a bunch of criminals in his orbit, he was definitely coddling them.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Archie said:

    How right you are.  Its happening as we sit here and wait for the Tigers to play.  Open borders and the largest spending bill ever will help that destruction along.

    it's actually not even 1/2 as much as we spend on the military.   Why would you call it the largest spending bill when at 350b per year, it's not even 1/2 as much as the annual 700b+ military spending?   We spend twice as much on the military every year.

  6. 26 minutes ago, Archie said:

    Trump didn't handle covid well especially the communication part.  I don't think the results would have been different no matter who was POTUS but we will never know.  Don't forget under Trump there was the fast track of a vaccine.  The same vaccine that's being mandated to most that Harris said she wouldn't touch because it came from the Trump administration.

    I totally think the results could have been different.   Other presidents have done way better jobs with pandemics in the past. 

  7. 48 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

    s for Trump, he inherited a decent economy and for the most part, didn't screw it up to bad.  As for Covid, can't think of too many countries that escaped a harsh economic hit, regardless if they were perceived to be successful against Covid or not.  

    Trump literally has the worst job numbers of any president in the past 100 years.   I'm not sure what qualifies as "screw it up to bad" if that doesn't.

  8. 18 minutes ago, ewsieg said:

    Legit point.  My fear is destroying the filibuster will look like an overreach, especially if the dems start passing laws that aren't wildly popular.  These infrastructure bills would be fine, folks want them, it's what after that which could be an issue.  History already says the house and likely senate will be controlled in 2 years by the GOP.  Overreach (and no Trump) is about the only thing I could see giving the GOP a shot at POTUS.  Based on how Trump is destroying the GOP, that puts a bunch more MTG types running the show in the house, McCarthy more than happy to go along as he's in power, McConnell who cares about wins more than the country, and in my scenario DeSantis who you could argue is worse than Trump, because he knows better and goes along anyway.  

    I don't think destroying the filibuster would be considered overreach in and of itself, but I think it's fair to say that it may serve to control their impulses.   However I can think of probably 80 some million people better to rely on for Democratic party impulse control than the 50 GOP clowns in the Senate.  I don't think trading our infrastructure, voting rights, etc etc for some impulse control is a good trade off.

  9. 1 hour ago, Archie said:

    A few decades ago Republicans and Democrats basically had the same goals but they just had different ideas how to get there.  I don't think their goals are close anymore and playing politics is more important than ever.  People can complain all they want about Trump but the country was in better shape in many areas when he was in office.  Covid has stayed about the same under Biden even though he campaigned he was the great fix all for it.  Our politicians need to work together for what's best for the country not what's best for other countries or their citizens.  Get an affordable budget, shore up the borders, help business with Covid and work on inflation which will hurt all of us very soon.

    When trump was in charge, we had the deadliest year on record, as well as the worst year of job losses in almost 100 years.   Not sure I buy that "the country was in better shape" when he was in office.   Covid hasn't stayed the same under Biden.   

  10. I think it's kinda funny that you argue that their concern is when the GOP is in control.  I'd wager that their concern is getting reelected.   It makes sense for Manchin to be this way b/c of that, but I don't know if I'd say the same for Kristen.

    I don't think it's much of a move to the left to go from one of the two dems that doesn't support it to one of the 48 that do.  That's all they need to do in Arizona primary.

    350b/year for 10 years actually isn't all that much money.   Pretty sure that's less than half of our annual military budget.

  11. You mean when they go ahead and destroy the filibuster themselves?  Or are you talking about how they've already exempted their main two priorities (SCOTUS & Tax Cuts) from the filibuster altogether?

    I'd be interested to see what GOP nonsense is getting blocked by filibuster.

  12. 4 hours ago, ewsieg said:

    I was just stressing the point that POTUS doesn't have the legal authority to mandate vaccines, thus he has absolutely no role in the vaccine mandate that he happened to announce on the behalf of one of his cabinet secretaries.

    As for that vaccine mandate (rather enforced by the government or demanded by a business entity), i'm not sure if players would be included as they may have a loophole (i.e., independent contractors of a team) whereas the team (coaches/admin/building staff) might be able to enforce mandates on direct employees.   Conversely the nba (officials) are possibly subject that way as well.  But the crux of it is as you state, the money making assets get more control in determining how they are affected than others.

    I'm going to go ahead and assume that there's some sarcasm/trolling interweaved, but maybe it's just me, I have a hard time following your actual argument when that is weaved through.  

  13. 4 hours ago, oblong said:

    I think that's what they call it in the UK... like 'mobile' (pronounced moh-bile) for your cell phone. And "car park".... and "queue".... no wonder we left.


    ok, I'll say when I hear an American person say it.   lol

    no wonder they were so easy to defeat with words like them words

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