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Posts posted by Mr.TaterSalad

  1. Is it pointless to fire Troy Weaver as GM without also firing the bum of a Team President/Chief Executive that hired him in the first place in Arn Tellem? Also, firing shouldn't we be firing Tellem's son, who should have never been giving the Director of Scouting job in the first place? Why would we allow Tellem to hire another GM when he's the one that brought us Weaver.

  2. I wonder what a person like this thinks women's rights, LGBTQ rights, civil rights, voting rights, and reproductive rights will look like after 4 years of Trump and him appointing god knows how many more conservative justices and potentially getting yet another Supreme Court appointment?

  3. On 4/6/2024 at 12:12 PM, 1984Echoes said:

    Move Husso.

    Go with Cossa & Lyon.


    Kids aren't the answer, this is a men's league. Oh wait, wrong GM. I too would like to go with Cossa to start next season. Even if we hang onto Husso and his cap hit, his play when he's actually been on the ice doesn't exactly warrant him getting more opportunities than Cossa at this point. I think it is time to give Cossa big league minutes and see what we really have in him. Well, as long as he isn't asked to have Petry and Chairot be his primary defensive defenseman.

  4. It's amazing what kind of outcome you can get with a biased and non-critical jury pool. A man who murdered his wife and another human being in cold blood got off because of a shriveled up glove with dried blood on it, a racist cop, and celebrity status. Never mind that all the actual evidence pointed to him being guilty. RIP Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman.

  5. These Pastor Gas videos of televangelist preacher and TV huckster Robert Tilton "farting" are the best. When they time the fart with Tilton saying maybe they'll put that one on TV . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. 23 minutes ago, gehringer_2 said:

    I don't know why the Wings have switched away from their normal offensive style to start taking long shots. They look good in the SOG totals but that's not the Wings game, which all season has been to pass up on low percentage shots to keep moving the puck and get higher value chances.

    Desperation maybe?

  7. 37 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

    Was just checking Baseball Reference, Tork's similarity score at age 23 is equal to Anthony Rizzo. I'd be ok with that career

    Rizzo has had it looks like 3 years with an OPS north of 900 and another 5 seasons with a north of 800 OPS. In all of those seasons he never struck out more than 120 times and several of those years he was below 100 strikeouts. Last season is really the only full season reference point we have. So hopefully he can trend more in the Rizzo direction from here on out, and not the Rob Deer direction. I agree that if he develops into a Rizzo type of player it would be a net positive for this team's future.

  8. 8 minutes ago, Toddwert said:

    over 1100 plate apperances and this is his third season at what point is he what he is?

    I'm certainly willing to give him more time and coaching to improve. I want to think he can improve his overall plate approach and work to be a more patient hitter, capable of putting more balls in play. That said, two seasons in a row he's off to a rough start and trending in the wrong direction.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Motor City Sonics said:

    We're 10 games into the season.  Lets not get carried away.  He struggled early last year too.  

    And he hit 31 HRs, batted .233, had a .758 OPS and struck out 171 times. I get it, it was his first full season in the bigs and he's not exactly surrounded by talented hitters. So he deserves times and patience for sure. But those numbers, they are Rob Deer-esque to me. Strike out or hit a home run with too few balls in play in between.

  10. Is Torkelson trending to be a Rob Deer type of player in that he'll hit 25-30 HRs per season, have a sub 750-800 OPS, bat somewhere between .230-.260 and strikeout 140 times in a season? He sure seems like a Rob Deer-esque player to me. He'll swing for the fences and either hit a homer or KO. He'll put few balls put in play and leave himself nothing in between hitting it out of the park or striking out.

  11. 11 hours ago, oblong said:

    I heard they are going back to the attitude era type action.  Is that true?

    Not entirely no. They are allowing, in small doses, more profanity and a little bit of blood on the shows now. They aren't allowing the amount of blood and profanity they had when Austin was the main guy on the show. There is also much more respect for women in today's WWE product than in the Attitude Era.

  12. Wrestlemania 40 is this weekend and I haven't been this excited for a Wrestlemania in ages and ages. Now that Vince McMahon is gone from WWE and not in charge of the creative direction of the company things are sooooooooo much more interesting to watch. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Motown Bombers said:

    A lot of people have left Florida as well. Still less than 50% of those new arrivals registered as Republicans. I think Democrats also have room to retake some of the Hispanic vote. I do think Biden is going to do better than expected with the older population. 

    I agree with this sentiment regarding Biden and older voters. The GOP is still pushing the cut Social Security and Medicare narrative. They are still out there trashing the ACA as well. These are all things that are popular with older voters. Combine that with the obvious dysfunction and bad behavior of Trump and I think that scares and/or turns off a lot of over 60 voters. It also directly threatens their financial wellbeing when you talk about cutting Social Security or rolling back Medicare being able to negotiate lower drug prices.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Tigeraholic1 said:

    Why does Biden not pressure Egypt to do anything? I get everyone wants Israel to chage its tactics but Egypt could really bring some humanitarian relief.

    He absolutely should and Egypt should be receiving international pressure and condemnation for closing off their border and doing next to nothing to help refugees in Gaza.

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  15. 1 minute ago, mtutiger said:

    Have people considered the possibility that Biden could still reverse course? Because if Coons is saying something like this, it wouldn't surprise me

    Yes, I have considered that and hope he does. And I for one will applaud any elected leader, Biden or otherwise, who supports conditioning military aid.

  16. 2 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

    What's your plan?

    What I've been saying all along, condition military aid based on Netanyahu's current and future actions. If he does a full scale ground invasion of Rafah and tens-of-thousands more civilians die, and a famine breaks out, condemn the invasion and act upon the conditions put in place regarding military aid to Israel. Also, cancel the sale of the F-15 fighter jets that were planned to be sold to the IDF. Also, to continue to strongly condemn Netanyahu for his brazen actions to thwart democratic institutions in Israel and work to build relations with opposition leadership to restore democracy in Israel.

    All of this can be done simultaneously to condemning Hamas and working to bring new leadership to Gaza that is Palestinian controlled. Trying to obliterate Hamas by invading Rafah, prolonging the war, and occupying Gaza will work about as well as trying to obliterate the Taliban in Afghanistan. You'll end up with a permanent occupation that breeds more extremism, hatred, and ultimately violent terrorists. Have we learned nothing from occupying Afghanistan for the last 20 years?

    What's your plan? 

  17. Gallup: Majority in U.S. Now Disapprove of Israeli Action in Gaza


    The latest results are from a March 1-20 survey. The Israel-Hamas war has continued for five months and has resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Palestinians and over 1,000 Israelis. Major parts of Gaza have been destroyed, complicating efforts to deliver humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians still living there. The United Nations and international community, including the Biden administration, have called for a cease-fire, but the two warring sides have been unable to agree.

    The poll was completed before the U.N. Security Council on Monday passed a resolution calling for a cease-fire during Ramadan. The measure passed because the United States abstained rather than vetoing the resolution. The U.S. had previously vetoed other resolutions calling for a cease-fire.

    Seventy-four percent of U.S. adults say they are following news of the Israeli-Hamas situation closely, similar to the 72% Gallup measured in November. One-third of Americans (34%) say they are following the situation “very closely.”

    Disapproval of Israel’s military action is similar regardless of how much attention Americans are paying to the conflict. However, those paying less attention are more likely than their counterparts to have no opinion on the matter, resulting in lower approval than seen among people paying greater attention.

    Independents have shifted from being divided in their views of the Israeli military action to opposing it. Democrats, who were already largely opposed in November, are even more so now, with 18% approving and 75% disapproving.

    That's a lot of tankies that oppose what Israel is doing.

    War support.png

  18. 2 minutes ago, mtutiger said:

    Jon Favreau isn't a former Biden staffer.

    He was a White House staffer and Director of Speech Writing while Biden served in Obama's White House as VP. The point is that people like Favreau and Tommy Vietor aren't low level staffers or radical left wing shmucks being critical of the administrations policies towards the Israeli war effort. Now you are starting to see respected elected officials, who are center/center-left types not progressives, like a Chris Murphy, come out and critique and change US policy towards the Israeli war effort. If we sit idly by and continue to send munitions and weapons to Israel while they do a full scale invasion of Rafah it's only going to get worse, both in terms of the death toll in Gaza and in terms of the political situation at home for Biden.

    Banging your head against the wall and shouting Hamas could stop this at any time isn't an effective political strategy for the Biden administration. It hasn't worked to this point and won't make the situation any better IMO.

  19. 1 hour ago, pfife said:

    Area troll who doesn't care what podcasters who didn't work for biden think at the same time regularly posts tweets from random twitter users that didn't work for biden, and also responds to other internet posters on motownforums dot com who also did not work for biden.   

    Favreau worked for the Obama/Biden administration as the Director of Speechwriting. So it wasn't like he was some office assistant fetching coffee and getting faxes. He's got some high level credibility in my eyes.

  20. Watching Chris Hayes tonight he had on Senator Chris Murphy and even he's on national TV criticizing Isreali war efforts and being at least semi critical of the Biden administration. This has gone beyond just tankies on the left being critical of the war effort and limited change in US policy towards Bibi's war. 

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