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Motown Bombers

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Motown Bombers last won the day on May 17

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  1. I like this MAGA turn Tiger has taken since Harris became the nominee.
  2. That's old. You can even tell by how many people are wearing masks. Border crossings are lower than they were during Trump.
  3. I like how the guy who said I would have a difficult time describing a tweet is having a difficult time making a single post.
  4. Bernie Sanders is back to being Bernie Sanders.
  5. He’s lucky I even acknowledged him at all with how snarky he was in that post. Your victimhood is getting old.
  6. I literally called them Hamasholes in the thread.
  7. I’m speaking up for all the people who have messaged me saying they are afraid to post here.
  8. The point was that it was an official release from the Harris campaign. Me typing it does not capture this was a press release. And why the **** do I even need to explain myself to you?
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