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Motown Bombers

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Motown Bombers last won the day on January 8

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  1. According to most measures, Germany is a freer country than the US, and that was even before Trump. I'm not even sure why we are fixated on whether you can wave a swastika in Germany. Just a reminder: naziholic is not a nazi. He just defends and supports them.
  2. Kendall Fuller, who some desperately wanted to sign last year, is available again.
  3. I didn't realize how old it was. When I saw the Trade Center in the opening credits, I had to look it up. I didn't realize it came out in 1999. Then I saw the daughter on a prescription drug commercial, and she's like 40. Can't think of many other shows that came out before it. Really did pave the way for shows like Breaking Bad.
  4. The league seems to be swinging back to a more running league and the Lions were at the forefront of that. I think this staff feels they need two number one backs.
  5. Now that I have Max, I'm getting caught up on shows and finally got around to watching The Sopranos. I'm through three seasons, and I have to say it's good but not as good as I thought it was going to be. It seems like it gets into these ruts, and I drift off and then something good happens. I've gotten a little lost in the plot at times. I still think Breaking Bad is a better show, but the shows aren't really the same.
  6. Montgomery was a Williams replacement and Swift was in the last year of his contract. I think the Lions looked at RB as a need. I also believe they would have stayed at 6 and drafted Witherspoon if he had been available. I think people look at it as best player available because they took a RB so high.
  7. If there is another pandemic, can we go to Canada to get a vaccine?
  8. Choice coached Gibbs at Georgia Tech and coached future NFL backs Bijan Robinson and Jonathan Brooks.
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