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Everything posted by Betrayer

  1. Whitmore tearing it up in SL. Had 26 pts, 5 rebounds and 8 steals. I have no idea if these guys can play as a team, but Rockets individual talent has been showing out.
  2. And every team in the league would love to have Simmons if he had it together between his ears and his work ethic was there. If you want to say that Simmons without the mental issues is Ausar's starting point, then that's a heck of a pick. From there, I'm happy to gamble on Ausar's work ethic and high character to push him further.
  3. I wasn't in the Thompson camp before the draft, but he's really impressed me so far in summer league. Just in the first few possessions he had a block, a steal, and a deflection. This kid can really defend, rebound, and hustle. Not only that, I'm loving his court vision and playmaking on the other end, especially in transition. Obviously, the shooting has to improve for him to function in a half court offense with 2 other ball-handlers, but if that happens he's going to be something special.
  4. I think you mean, "like a Piston". You're thinking of the other twin 😄
  5. Joe D confirmed this in his interview during the Piston's 3rd Summer League game. He basically said they're only going after the most egregious examples of flopping. You won't see it called the 100 other times it happens during a game.
  6. The more I think about it, the more I imagine it'll be like the 3 second call, the carry, the moving screen, or the lane violation. They'll call it enough to try to deter flopping due to the threat of the call, but it won't be consistent and they'll miss it most of the time.
  7. I'm glad they made these changes, but refereeing that flop penalty is going to be interesting. I wonder if they're going to do it on the fly or if they'll have to go to video each time to make that call.
  8. Good value contract for Stew. He's probably get more next year if we waited, especially if the three ball continues to improve. A switchable big who can play the 4/5 and hit open threes is getting closer to 20M next year if he hits the market. The fact that the 4th year is a team option makes it even better and more tradeable if necessary.
  9. Second game was a nice bounce-back for Ivey. He was one of the few guys out there competing in this blowout and looked more like the post All-Star version of himself. Can't wait to see him alongside Cade for a full season, because he has enough on-ball skills to be a great secondary playmaker even though he's not a full time lead PG. Duren looking good, but also looking like he's goofing around a bit with the things he's trying. Some Drummond-esque drives and ball handling that we (hopefully) won't see from him in the regular season. His passing vision is nice and he seems to be getting some touch on his shots. Guys just can't keep him off the boards with his strength and athleticism. Let's not forget that he's just 19, so hopefully this new staff can instill more defensive fundamentals in him because that's all that's missing. Wiseman...too little IQ, too little awareness, too much post-up. He'll be a serviceable backup Center, but please don't start him over Duren and please don't even THINK about starting him alongside Duren. Ausar is clearly going to be an all around stat stuffer rather than a go to scorer style of player. I don't see him averaging 10 pts this year, but he'll probably average 6 rebounds, a bunch of assists, and a good number of blocks/steals as well. He won't awe you with the points, but hopefully he'll be able to do all of the other winning things on the court. Still not sure if he was a better pick than Black, Hendricks, or Whitmore, but his shot has the longest growth timeline of all of them and that's ultimately going to be the final verdict in a few years.
  10. I would've taken him. Seemed like he might be figuring out the 3 ball last year and if he does that he's very valuable as a disruptive defender who can knock down open looks. Kind of like what Bruce Brown has become.
  11. I heard that on his podcast, but then I thought, "he measured at the combine." I'd assume that would be more accurate than JEIII's random commentary.
  12. Guess they just wanted to give him a paycheck? Couldn't they have waived Killian instead? Would’ve preferred to keep Omoruyi over him.
  13. All he had to do was say something 24 hours ago. He got his boy Grant paid and then gave the middle finger to the organization. And he's "requesting" where he wants to go? If I'm Portland I'm just trading him to whoever gives me the most. I don't care if that's Utah or Minnesota or Charlotte or the G League. "You want to go to Miami? Oh, then maybe you should've said something before we dropped a 5 year overpay on Grant to try to make you happy."
  14. No idea how to embed a Tweet, so I'll just type it in. This is from JEIII: Is it weird that I wish we gave up more? Can I just add a few names to the "Gave Up" column. Killian, Bagley, Bogey. Few months until the season starts though, so there's still hope.
  15. 100% agree. I'm glad we didn't pay Grant 160M or try to throw 30M/yr at Cam and pray. Those are role players, not All-Stars. Looking at some of the deals that went down just blows my mind. Everyone said the new CBA and tax apron penalties were going to make teams really think about their spending, but it looks like the opposite has happened. Maybe they're just counting on the TV deal to increase the cap. Bane getting 40M per year blows my mind. Great player but, that's 30% of the cap. Is he the #2 on a championship team? Hasn't even made an All-Star team yet and he's making 40M. Some of these deals are just wild.
  16. I haven't done the math, but I'm hearing people say close to 90M could be available next year. But just like this year, everyone will be foaming at the mouth about various free agents and Weaver will spend his money in a trade. Hopefully a higher profile trade, but it's clear how he likes to operate. Gambling on players wanting to come to you isn't his thing. He likes to control the chips by making trades for players already under contract.
  17. Wait, wait, wait. So, you're telling me that Weaver isn't going after a restricted free agent? And he's spending most of his cap space in a trade for someone that wasn't on anyone's radar instead of taking it into the free agent market. Imagine that 🙄 Seriously though...I think we have to wait until the dust settles to grade this one. At a minimum this is an expiring deal on a career 44% three point shooter. He can space the floor and allows you to kick the cap down the road since there are no real targets worth going after this year. One year contract that can be used in another trade as well. However, as others have said, I can't imagine Bogie and Harris on the court together. That will rival Bey and Bogie for worst defense from a Forward duo in the NBA. Just keep in mind that if Bogie is moved it could be any time over the next few months, so this could take a while to resolve itself.
  18. Is this Harden's third trade request in as many years now? I'll never understand how people keep giving him money and/or want to acquire him in a trade. Especially now, at his age, with his playoff record, and his clear history of putting your organization in a bad spot when he screws up and decides it's your fault. About the money, I'm pretty sure if I had already earned hundreds of millions and could take a little less on the next contract to put the team in a position to get my first championship, I would do it. Strippers only cost so much and if you have any semblance of a competitive spirit then you'll want to actually achieve something lasting in your career beyond earning a few more dollars to add to your Scrooge McDuck money diving pit.
  19. Looks like Hart is staying with NYK as well. He opted in. Free agency looking slimmer and slimmer.
  20. That’s a bargain contract on Barnes. Too bad we couldn’t get in on that.
  21. Listen to the beat writers and their podcasts as well as the other sources who report on the Pistons, they all say it. This might be the first time you've heard it, but I promise it's not a hot take by me. It's a well established point about this front office, from rookie workouts where the press doesn't get access, to off-season moves. Just because a conjecture or two comes out to be correct - throw enough darts at the board and one of them will hit the mark - doesn't change that fact.
  22. There's still Kyrie though. I can't root for Dallas while he's on that team.
  23. Vucevic back to the Bulls is wild. Is SVG running that org? That team smells like the Dre/Jackson Pistons. Everyone knows you'll be lucky to get the 8th seed and lose in the first round, yet you're unwilling to move on from the failed experiment.
  24. I listened to the podcast where Windhorst said that he felt Brooklyn would probably match anything up to 100M and that Detroit is a team that could have interest in him. Couple hours later everyone is reporting that "Brooklyn plans to match up to 100M for Cam Johnson." That's what I'm saying. It's all the rumor game where one reporter says something he feels could happen and then everyone reports that like it's a fact directly from the team's war room. That's how you get clicks. And we all eat it up. Just like all the supposed interest we had in Ayton last year - another RFA that we were having these exact discussions about. Can someone give me an example of an RFA that Weaver has gone after in the entire time he's been here. Has there been even one? Maybe this will be the first, but after hearing Troy's comment in the past about dealing with RFAs, I'll believe it when I see it.
  25. I liked Omoruyi's effort as well, but that's an odd thing to do before you even get into Free Agency. Not worried about the 1.9M, but there really aren't many roster spots. Hopefully this signals a trade to move Bogey/Bagley/Killian at some point before the season starts.
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