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  1. Killian Hayes signed with the Nets. But it is just an exhibit 10 contract. Those are contracts used to fill the training camp roster. No money guaranteed and most of those guys end up getting cut.
  2. I don't think they moved/solved a single plot line in the entire season.
  3. Try to talk Adam Silver into expanding in the middle of the season.
  4. The Athletic said NBC plans to broadcast Sunday night games after the NFL season ends.
  5. Odds are still -115/-105. So what have we learned? The books love the under. Duh. But this also kills the myth that books want a balanced book. If true they would have moved the under line to draw more money to that side. The first time I really noticed this was the Mayweather-McGreger flight. The public was on Conner big time and the line stayed about +600. With all that money on Conner it should have dropped to about even. But Vegas knew Conner had no shot bearing a boxer at boxing. So they left the line high and let the book go uneven. Same thing here. They really think the pistons won't win 25 games so they see no reason to move the line to get even money on the under.
  6. So that is why my gf tells me to go over my remarks before I have to speak in front of a crowd.
  7. I was pretty confused by Kerr. Not sure if he is just trying things before the games start or what. Maybe I really overrate him as a coach. Having Ant run the bench units offense is confusing. Ant is a better player than Haliburton, but Hali is a much better PG than Ant. With Edwards you are getting a lot of turnovers and the ball doesn't move as well as it should, or to the right places/people. Now it looks like Kerr has completely benched Hali, which is confusing. Glad Lebron decided to play in his 38th Olympics. He has flat out saved them the past two games.
  8. People at The Athletic actually talking about Hardaway and Beasley taking minutes from Ivey. I don't think people understand just how bad THJ was the last 3 months of the season. He was relegated to a backup role because he was so bad. It is probably no coincidence once moved to the bench that Dallas played some of their best ball of the season. They had a 16 or 17 game win streak in that time. Although, adding Gafford and Washington were big reasons for that. The final 3 months Hardaway had a TS% of 47, 49, and 46. You usually want to see 55% from an average player. Beasley is a nice shooter but extremely one dimensional. After shooting he doesn't do much else. If Ivey is losing minutes to those guys then it is an even bigger mistake not to start the next rebuild right now.
  9. I read this and now can't remember if it was the Philippines or Puerto Rico. But one of them is testing out a 4 point shot. They will try it out during one of their in season tournaments. The line will be 27 feet. The NBA 3PT line is 22 feet in the corners and 23'9" above the break.
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