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Biff Mayhem

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Biff Mayhem last won the day on March 22 2023

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  1. Slash released a blues/r&b album and collaborated with some big names. Top to bottom it’s phenomenal. This is from someone who can take or leave Slash. Killing Floor is the biggest surprise.
  2. I enjoyed the Easter eggs but overall it wasn’t good. At all. The woman who played Jane his daughter is a terrible actress. Atrocious. it was definitely a throw back to the 80s and they did well playing homage to the first two but I gave this a thumbs down on Netflix. I was most disappointed that Axl didn’t put a banana in the tailpipe before he jumped in the car.
  3. I serve with a bunch of older millennials and they have a lot to say about Gen Z. I think every generation does it.
  4. I found the perfect guitar. I’ve played hundreds of guitars. I’ve owned at least 60. This one blows them all away. I’m not even exaggerating.
  5. Hey, it’s that guy!! Hello Rooster!
  6. Road House. Went in expecting nothing. Did it suck? Surprisingly no. I was entertained. Lots of great humor especially from McGregor which was so over the top. I mean really over the top. Plot was thin (duh). Soundtrack was lacking the charm of the original. Still at the end of it I was entertained and amused because I went in with low expectations. Also: stay through the credits.
  7. https://youtu.be/A_PR5RaDE38?si=2Yzt9j228BNIsA9h
  8. Did you witness all that? Why billions? Why not trillions?
  9. Has anyone watched “Continental”? We love the John Wick series and are curious to know if this series is any good.
  10. This is an interesting thought line that atheists often take. I say look around. If you see a building, you know someone created it. You probably never saw it being built or designed but you can see it so it is natural to think it was created and that it didn’t come out of nothing. I think it takes WAY more faith to believe that everything we know of was just created from nothing and yet we know that matter can neither be created or destroyed. I look at something like an eye and how it works and have to wonder how people can think there was not some intelligent design behind it. That it came from nothing. If there is anything that should be scoffed at, it’s the silly notion that all of this…all that is seen and unseen…came from nothing. But you do you.
  11. I was today years old when I discovered that there are moon trees planted all over the country. Seeds were brought aboard Apollo 14, which orbited the moon, and then those seeds were planted at various places around the country. Thanks google maps!
  12. I was today years old when I discovered that there are moon trees planted all over the country. Seeds were brought aboard Apollo 14, which orbited the moon, and then those seeds were planted at various places around the country. Thanks google maps!
  13. I just use my volt meter to test them. Takes just as long and is way more accurate. plus my batteries are in the basement and my lazy butt doesn’t want to make two trips up and down the stairs.
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