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  1. I’m not speaking for MB but I did not interpret it as a legitimate question since he gave what he thought was the correct answer in the question. So I saw it as a statement to not do such things. Which is a ridiculous thing to say on a message board.
  2. If I see what someone else said and I agree or like it or otherwise want to share the comment then common courtesy is to share it directly rather than either pretend I came up with it or point out “this person said this…”. And by providing the link a person can click on it and view it directly.
  3. Because a woman’s purpose is to have kids and be servile to the man. Lindsay and Tim go go avout and have kids any time.
  4. I never appreciated it because before we had kids we didn’t make all that much. Then we went 20 years and our income grew. Those credits were the difference between getting something back and having to cut a check.
  5. Cruz called it “a basketball ring”
  6. We watched the first 4 episodes of season 3 and kind of forgot about it and moved on to catching up on X Men and Deadpool stuff. The best part of the series to me was the characters. Disappointing if they moved away from that.
  7. I really think these kinds of “attacks” reached their sell by date. People are not responsive to them anymore. All it does is reinforce them to be crazy and weird.
  8. Out of habit I say her name wrong but I grew up a wrestling fan and there was a guy with that name and pronounced that way. But I am coming around.
  9. Isn’t that the “make your bed” guy that went viral years ago?
  10. Palin had the initial appeal to the PTA mom types who finally took charge and wanted to run things. At least that was the initial narrative. Even with her kids pregnancies… a lot of families can relate. “Yeah our daughter got pregnant at 16. So what?” She evolved into something else but a lot of the “white trash” criticism of her resonated with other “victims” in a hillbilly elegy kind of way.
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