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  1. My favorite Pat sketch was when George Wendt was the barber. Different prices for male/female.... "I'm sorry, I'm a little crabby.. must be that time of the month?" "oh yeah...." "Bills!"
  2. Hulu did that with me when they had the rights to a Red Wing game. I could not find it on my TV app. On my phone yes.... but not the TV. They were sending me messages via twitter. Then it got to the point where I could find it on the Samsung version of the App but not the app that's used through the xfinity box. Weird.
  3. To me it's a state issue. She has the power in her state to remove an offical in her state. "States Rights". If the voters don't like it they can speak at the ballot box. It's not an issue for Washington to concern itself with. Of course that's the logic in the old way of doing things. Today it's all different and the old rules don't apply.
  4. The in memoriam to jokes that didn't age well was really good too. Rewatched the Scared Straight again and in that sketch you get a sense of the perils of live sketch comedy. The audio wasn't great, maybe because the crowd was too loud but I had trouble picking out what they said. That's where rehearsals come in.
  5. me too... Bill Burr was on a show the other week, not long after the fires in LA, and said his therapist told him it's a way of blocking out bigger issues. Not sure if he was serious or just playing his bit but it makes sense. So he could blow off and be calm after a big thing, like his house burning down, "ah well you know... it's just stuff. we're ok. Good to start fresh ya'know" but then go ape **** when the toaster isn't consistent. You compartmentalize the big stuff but compensate by overreacting to the little stuff. My wife saw it and just looked at me....
  6. I asked this rhetorically on another platform. Who would Wayne root for in a US v Canada matchup? Both in hockey and world affairs. Dudes compromised. Not the same since Walter passed away.
  7. The idiocy is so blatant that it is almost parody. People can’t be that stupid can they?
  8. There’s no need to be wary of slippery slope situations. That’s lazy. If Germany says “you know we have a lot to atone for historically so the price we pay is you can’t be a nazi or do nazi ****” then so be it. If the US outlawed the use of the N word or other slurs against blacks to atone for slavery I would be fine with it too.
  9. I’m seriously considering not flying this summer. We were thinking of going back to Sedona or San Diego. Tapped out on Florid. 3 of our last 4 were on the Gulf of Mexico. We love it but that’s it for awhile. Flagstaff/Sedona was 8 years ago and this time we thjnk we want to rent a place. That last vacation was our last “hotel room” vacation.
  10. That’s exactly why. Gives you a chance to give up by not caring that much or figuring out the issue on your own.
  11. I thought the 50th was great. I’d give it a B. It’s hard to pull those off with 50 years of things to consider. My only complaint was too many comedy sketches relied on music. I don’t like that. The Lawrence Welk one went on too long. Kristen Wiig could have been used better as an all timer. But other than that it was great. Seeing Eddie and Will almost break in the same sketch is legendary. That sketch might have been my favorite. It stuck to the ensemble history of the show. Also really liked Murray on update.
  12. Keep that in mind when you see some knuckle dragging maga dip**** with solidified chew spittle on his too small sweatshirt complain about “erasing history” when a confederate statue comes down.
  13. Felix was flakey. I remember an incident where Gibson had to get on him for not having his head in the game.
  14. Chronologically my range of feelings and memories watching that is “guys I saw on reruns or Comedy Central… then elementary and middle school with the Brad Hall/Eddie/Piscopo and Billy Crystal era. High school was a clean break with the Hartman/Carvy era. College was the Myers and Sandler realm. Then the Ferrell era was my adulthood with no responsibility time period. I remember all of it.
  15. Tonight is SNL’s 50th anniversary show. according to this the first episode wasn’t on channel 4 or anywhere in Detroit. For the first two seasons Channel 50 aired them but it’s not clear when they started. My earliest memories of the show in real time are Eddie and Buckwheat. Check out this article from Detroit Free Press: Detroit TV will air 1975's 'Saturday Night Live' premiere on Saturday — unlike 50 years ago https://www.freep.com/story/entertainment/television/2025/02/15/its-the-50th-anniversary-of-detroit-tv-not-airing-the-snl-premiere/78761425007/
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