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Fox Wismic

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Posts posted by Fox Wismic

  1. 26 minutes ago, Netnerd said:

    The COVID-19 vaccines don’t prevent infection. They prepare you to fight infection with the best, most effective tool at hand.

    Your argument is not with me. As shown earlier, It's with Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

    How are unvaxxed dying 9-1 over vaxxed in areas with over 90% vax rates?

  2. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/in-july-joe-biden-said-that-if-you-get-vaccinated-you-will-not-get-covid

    What? I keep hearing here that the vax was not said to stop covi
    d, only to lessen the effects/symptoms?

    Well, that's a right wing extremist conspiracy site!


    You know, those extreme right wingers, Don Lemon, CNN, and Joe Biden. They are fueling the far-right conspiracy! I shouldn't be spamming with lies from unreliable trash, frauds and grifters like these guys

  3. 21 minutes ago, romad1 said:

    North Korea is the “most Communist” country unless you want to go with Cuba. Both, fail their citizens. Random liberal corporate America is in no ways as bad. Grow up, comrade troll.

    LOL again. My assistant for three years at work is back this week. He's been living in Cuba and learning the hard way what living under communism does. He's been sending American dollars there the past several years and is actually one of the richest men in Cuba, but he says it doesn't matter how much money he has when there is nothing in the stores and the govt controls every step you take.

    Picking the actual most commie nation is a matter of opinion. They're all bad. I'm just telling you what the ruler in Belarus claims. He tried to line up Christians and have them shot for praying and singing in their church. He can't get away with that now, but he still persecutes Christians any way he can.

    America is not that bad, but why should we go in that direction?

  4. 6 minutes ago, Tiger337 said:

    🙄 Maybe you need to experience a government oppressed society some place else, so you'll know what it means to be oppressed.   

    I've been to Russia and Belarus, the most Communist country on earth, according to their own ruler. Where have you been, Canada?

    {{we have way more liberty now than we did back then}}

    LOL. I put out the wrong colored trash bin one week and got threatened with a citation. I can't fix my toilet without a permit from Big Brother. They want to tell us we need their jab or we can't work, go to college, join the military, fly on a plane, travel abroad, go to events, or shop for groceries. More freedom? Bah haha!

  5. 9 minutes ago, CMRivdogs said:

    James Madison, John Jay, Roger Sherman and a few other gentleman may disagree with you https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1274477

    {{While some wanted the act to compel communities to require vaccinations like in Massachusetts, the Vaccine Act was more modest.}}

    And even in relation to the Massachusetts act:

    {{Other states were slower to take such measures, especially when smallpox was not present.}}

    Neither Jay nor Sherman were even mentioned in the article and Madison was the one who supported the "more modest" act.

  6. 4 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

    I will continue to ignore or mock links to right wing extremist fraud sites, but I have not called for your banning.

    You mean, any site that disagrees with your leftist bias. Some here have called for my banning, simply for disagreeing with them. That is the definition of a Snowflake.

  7. 1 hour ago, Tiger337 said:

    Says the guy who wants to kick people out of the country if they don't agree with his Libertarian fantasies.  

    I don't want to kick anybody out. I've suggested those who want to live in a govt-oppressed society are free to move to one of the many places where they can experience that so those of us who cherish liberty can stay in the country our forebears founded that way.

    That should make all of us happy. Why are you not happy unless my liberties are being infringed upon?

    My friend ST, who moved to Cuba, learned the hard way. He had to experience it in the real world, not in imagination like you guys. He came back. He appreciates America (and he's a liberal Democrat).

  8. 1 hour ago, Tiger337 said:

    He hasn't found a site with that bullet point yet.  

    I gave myriads of evidence for my claims as those things happened. I just don't have time to search my archives a year or two ago to give them again. I have a life away from this forum. When I can, I will, even though you guys will ignore it anyway and call for me to be banned.

    • Haha 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, pfife said:

    He also dropped a "you just ad hom'd" blast on his first day then repeatedly ad hom's about trusting the government.    Pure trolling.  Typical trumper - higher standards for everyone else than he holds himself to.

    You clearly don't know what ad hominem is. I don't trust the govt, that's the point. I'm not a Trumper. My friends (some of whom are) would laugh at you for that slander.

  10. If you can't see numbers being juggled here, I can't help you overcome your bias for trusting govt as your daddy.

    Do a search. You'll find a dozen sites giving 62% as of October. Now you're saying 62% as of yesterday. So NOBODY has been vaxxed in the US since October? Can you guys even really believe that?

    If we've got 70% of those 12 & up fully vaxxed, there must be virtually nobody under 12 who has been vaxxed to bring the number down that low. Are even you guys so biased that you believe that? Odds are better that your interpretation of those stats is amiss. The math makes much more sense as I presented it.

    What you haven't answered is why the problem is increasing as more people get vaxxed? When 100% of the people were unvaxxed we weren't getting these numbers.

  11. 57 minutes ago, Jim Cowan said:

    They also said that the percentage of total population...total population..is 62%.  You could not have missed it.

    I'll type real slow this time:

    65 & up: 90%
    12-65: 70%
    5-12: 65%

    All that's left are those under 5. You/they can't get 62% overall unless you/they are either very bad at math, or are being deceitful. I'll assume you're math deficient.

    In either case, when we are dealing with such fuzzy numbers I'm not going to answer why one country's number is higher or lower.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Jim Cowan said:

    Oh by the way, as of yesterday your fully vaxxed percentage is 62%.  Check the CDC for data.

    I checked the CDC page. They say:

    {{As of December 16, 2021, 95.0% of people ages 65 years or older have received at least one dose of vaccine and 87.3% are fully vaccinated. More than three-quarters (84.7%) of people ages 18 years or older have received at least one dose of vaccine and 72.3% are fully vaccinated. For people ages 12 years or older, 82.7% have received at least one dose of vaccine and 70.5% are fully vaccinated. For people ages 5 years or older, 76.9% have received at least one dose of vaccine and 65.1% are fully vaccinated.}}

    Seniors, who are far most at risk, are approaching 90%. Teens and adults are over 70%. It takes some mathemagic to derive 62% from all that. They must be counting pre-born babies and recently deceased people. Or maybe they are spinning a roulette wheel and rolling dice.

    When we have rubber numbers like this, I'm not going to even try to explain why numbers might not match up with another country.

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