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Fox Wismic

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Posts posted by Fox Wismic

  1. 27 minutes ago, 1776 said:

    So, I respect your opinion. However, I would differ by replacing your word “symptons” with the word effects. A reduction of the effects on a body can be the difference between life and death. I see value in that.

    Yes, there is some value in that to infected individuals, but it doesn't do anything to eradicate the virus from society - IF those claims are true. So, despite the parroted claims of the bleeding-heart pro-vaxxers, the vax is NOT "to protect others". The vax is to lessen the effects/symptoms, but doesn't prevent the spread.

    So why would anyone care if *I* got the vax or not? If it only affects me, it shouldn't matter to anyone else.

    So which is it vaxxers? Does the vax prevent the spread or does it only lessen the effects on those who are vaxxed?

  2. 1 minute ago, 1776 said:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, the vax isn’t to prevent one from contracting the virus? My impression for getting vaxed and boosted is for the purpose of decreasing the effects the virus will have on my body. I, or others, can still carry and transmit the virus, irregardless. 

    So it's not a vaccine. It doesn't prevent the virus. It just lessens some of the symptoms. Not a lot of value in that. Some, but not a lot. So why do I need to get it if it doesn't prevent the spread anyway? I thought getting the vax was to protect *others*? Guess not.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Sports_Freak said:

    One old guy who was already ill died allegedly of covid complication because he needed to keep his business open to pay the medical bills for his wife being treated for terminal cancer. If he shut down they'd both have been destitute and dead.

    BTW, we owned a vacation home in Quincy. I've probably eaten there and met the guy.

  4. Congressman James Clyburn (D-Pfizer) was "Vaccinated" and "Boosted" - LRC Blog LewRockwell.com

    And he still got COVID, he announced today. He explained the obvious lesson he learned from this by saying:  “I urge anyone who has not done so to protect themselves by getting vaccinated and boosted.”

    Maryland Governor Larry Hogan (R-Pfizer) did the exact same thing — got “vaccinated and boosted,” got COVID anyway, then implored everyone for the millionth time to get “vaccinated and boosted.”

    Are these people delusional or are they lying pharmaceutical industry political whores?

    Why do all the people who've contracted covid despite being vaxxed and boosted keep encouraging others to get vaxxed and boosted so they don't contract covid?

  5. 90 Years Later, 1918 Flu Lives on in Antibodies, Research | PBS NewsHour

    Notice they did not develop a vaccine. They gathered people who were "children in 1918 and had been closely exposed to someone who had the disease". IOW, people who had NATURAL immunity. Turns out their NATURAL immunity was STILL effective a CENTURY later.
    That's something to consider when we're being told that we now need a 4TH jab because the first three were insufficient and lasted just a few months (at best).

    Are you gonna attack PBS as a right-wing, conspiracy group?
  6. 2 hours ago, chasfh said:

    Why do you keep blaming the rest of us for “taking or limiting” your freedoms? Do you think we are the government?

    I didn't blame you for anything of the kind. I opposed your position of supporting such intrusive govt. Of course you can't take my freedoms personally, but you can support using govt as hired thugs to do it for you.

  7. 2 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

    I like freedom, but it comes with responsibility.  Your freedom should not interfere with my freedom.  There are very few things you can do in life that don't affect somebody else in some way.  

    You guys "are not against all governance".  You like governance that benefits you!

    I have no problem with responsibility. Do you mean like AIDS patients, drinkers, smokers, and drug users funding their own medical expenses? Transsexuals in the military should have to pay for their own surgery?

    I don't want my freedom to interfere with yours. That is a false accusation.

    I am for less intrusive govt, for me and for you. I want govt to stay out of our way, except when absolutely necessary - things like crimes of violence, murder, rape, theft, fraud, etc. Your last accusation is simply a lie.

  8. 56 minutes ago, pfife said:

    So do all of us and yet we have good posts.   

    {{Or maybe they have jobs and responsibilities and simply don't have the time to keep up with a gang of people who outnumber them.}}

    I've counted 12 people post in opposition to me here the last two days. So, no, you don't have to keep up with a gang of people. You are part of the gang. That ratio is obviously not representative of the population at large, or we'd have over a 99% vax rate and you'd have nothing to argue about.

    No, you don't have good posts. Very few of substance. Most of them are digs, slurs, false accusations, etc.

  9. 12 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

    Speaking of mob rule, I haven't seen a bunch of Trudeau supporters attack parliament in an attempt to overturn an election.  


    Don't believe your own lyin' eyes when you can attack the source!

  10. 1 hour ago, pfife said:

    I think it's funny when they roll up here acting like they're crushing us..... with the same arguments that last 85 libertarians that posted here used.... before they either left or came to their senses

    Or maybe they have jobs and responsibilities and simply don't have the time to keep up with a gang of people who outnumber them.

  11. 5 hours ago, Tiger337 said:

    It's typical Libertarian arrogance.  They are always try to teach us their ideology as if nobody has ever thought about freedom and lack of government interference.  In reality, many intgelligent people have gone through the Libertarian phase already, but figured out that a productive civiliized society can not function under such a simplistic ideology.  

    If you prefer govt interference to freedom, there are plenty of options for you. Why do you insist on taking or limiting MY freedoms in the process of forfeiting yours? If you desire govt to be your nanny or daddy, you're free to do so.

    I'm not against all governance, but I support as little govt control as possible.

  12. 11 hours ago, Motown Bombers said:

    Canadians coming to the US are visitors and Mexicans are illegals.

    Speaking of mob rule, I haven't seen a bunch of Trudeau supporters attack parliament in an attempt to overturn an election.  



    You didn't see much of an attack here, either. "Security" unlocked and opened the doors and most of the violence was done against the protestors.

  13. 6 hours ago, casimir said:

    I don’t see the issue with replacing Texas A&M in the bowl game.  Why make Wake Forest skip out on a bowl game after the season that they’ve had?  Why make the fans looking for a vacation skip out on it?

    If they wouldn't have created an extra Bowl game, out-of-thin-air, to accommodate a 6-7 team, they would now have a replacement for Wake Forest to play.

    Bowls are supposed to be rewards for winning teams. 6-6 teams are not winning teams. 6-7 teams are not winning teams. 5-7 teams certainly aren't.

  14. 1 hour ago, Tiger337 said:

    They are both good places to live.  I am already settled in the United States and I am fine with it,

    But you still want to tell me how I have to live, what choices I have to make, and force your desires upon me? You let me live my life, I'll let you live yours. If you're not okay with that, you don't belong in America.

    If you persist in trying to make me conform to your desires, you are not fine with living in America. You want to push America further toward Marxism.

  15. I'd be for privitizing as much of that stuff as possible. My private retirement account will surpass my social security (which I've been forced to pay into for 40 years). If I could've invested that money into my private account, it would be MUCH better.

    I can protect myself better than waiting for police to arrive. I'd be for all private schools. Why should I pay for public schools to indoctrinate my kids in things I find odious? If you want your kids taught that stuff, you pay for it. Home schoolers do quite well.

  16. 3 minutes ago, Mr.TaterSalad said:

    Are you suggesting that Canadians are not free people and that they don't live in a democratic society?

    You said they were socialist. Our friends from Canada want to come visit us, but their govt won't let them. Does that sound like freedom to you?

    Problem is, America has become quite socialist in many areas. And, we are not supposed to be a democratic society. We are supposed to be a Republic. Democracy is mob rule without regard for individual liberties. It's two wolves and a sheep voting on dinner.

  17. 13 minutes ago, chasfh said:

    But what good is the extra longer life and healthy years if you're just going to endure them in a peaceful socialist hellhole?

    Is there any reason why you guys who love socialism can't move to Canada? Leave us here to wallow in our own freedom and all of us will be happy.

    Or is your real agenda controlling others?

  18. 18 minutes ago, pfife said:

     I think it was because he was rigidly libertarian and valued that consistency.   

    I didn't vote for Trump, either election. I've voted for Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Howard Phillips and other libertarians every election since 1988.

    Biden Thanks Trump For COVID-19 Vaccine (rumble.com)

    Fact is though, Trump DID usher in Project Warp Speed and the vax. And he has not pretended covid doesn't exist. He had it himself. Those kind of comments are disingenuous.

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