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Everything posted by Dtrain72

  1. Tariq wants the smoke today...shut em down!
  2. Looking at that Rockie's lineup batting avg...then looking at the Tigers, yikes.
  3. When does Kreilder make his debut at 2nd base?
  4. I dont blame them either...I blame Candy for that weak contact that lead to a DP and an open 1st base when bases were loaded and no outs w Miggy on deck.
  5. Yep, Candy literally had the worst possiblt outcome short of a triple play...becauae of course he did! Kinda pissed AJ didnt have Miggy batting in the 3 spot before the game, and what happened is exactly the reason why.
  6. AJ reeeeealllyyyy needs to break up the Schoop/Candy batting tandem...it's approaching Ausmus stubborn-dumb.
  7. I blame Candy, if he just strikes out Miggy gets to hit.
  8. They're gonna walk him...with Meadows up being a windmill today why not. AJ needs to fucking get rid of Candy AND Schoop at the top of the lineup, and get rid of them back to back, it's fucking awful.
  9. Candy strikeout, leading into a Miggy 3000th hit grand slam, callin it.
  10. Schoop did a thing that didnt suck!
  11. I love when my negativity comes together...now just need this lame ass offense to actually function at any sort on professional level to win this one.
  12. Wheels on bus bout to fall off...this offense blows goats maaan.
  13. I'm a Tiger and Lions fan, I cannot relate.
  14. Yeah, after all my bitching about the Tigers hopeless offense, I look at this stacked Yankee team and think it must really suck to be a yank fan, along with their expectations.
  15. If they were smart they'd just have a go-pro cam on their hats turned on every time he's at bat.
  16. At least Meadows has returned to his career level of strike out abundance.
  17. Literally, anyone but Schoop in the 2 hole AJ, pleeeease?!
  18. Pineda done at 60 pitches...unless he says he's feelin fatigue, not sure why AJ wouldnt at least give him the 6th and see how far he can get that inning.
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