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  1. I also wonder about Keith at 3B as well. I thought I’ve heard Jung is better at 2B. I don’t know if that’s true, I don’t know if the theory of swapping them has legitimacy to it. I think if Jung is promoted and they’re on the IF at the same time, just keep going with status quo to finish this season. Just let them get this bit of MLB under their belts, continue this season with their respective defensive responsibilities, let their bats be the focus of their development this season. If altering them is in the cards, let them integrate some of that individual off-season prep into their upcoming winters, and start that teamwork in spring training. And maybe it’s not that big of a deal for either anyway as they do have experience around the diamond.
  2. When do colleges start adding advertising to their play clothes? I’m not talking the default Nike, Under Armour, Reebok thread makers. I’m talking Chico’s Bail Bonds and Acme Explosives.
  3. We need those heal or hurt threads as a means to figure what exact trade we make for the Tigers. Not sure how we coordinate with other teams, but I’m sure a zoom call would factor in. So, are we all in for the winter meetings? One room or two?
  4. Replay showed Perez calling it until he caught. I wonder if his voice doesn’t carry or isn’t very audibly effective on the field with the background noise? We’ve seen this type of play with him before. I’m not blaming him here or for the others. I just wonder about the communication out there on the field. The current and long term viability of Keith at 2B seems questionable. The same seems to apply to Jung at 3B. Jung has played some at 2B this season. If Jung is promoted in September, it seems unfair to swap their positions in Detroit. But maybe that swap (or some other alteration) occurs during the off-season. I guess at this point, they’ll get through the trade deadline, see what the upper minors looks like after those dominoes fall, and game plan from there.
  5. 2 out of 4 at Cleveland is a good series. Some semblance of decent hitting and/or fewer mistakes in the 2-1 loss could have had this team at .500 and a better vibe about this team. Ultimately they need to sell upcoming free agents. Every decision has a breaking point. Maybe that game was the thin line between trading/keeping Flaherty would is the most impactful of the possible trade targets not named Skubal. Maybe Kelly, Canha, and Urshela are still on ebay as they have reasonable replacement options in house. Or maybe that decision had already been made and that game would have had no impact. Whichever, considering the withered state of pitching and the offensive struggles that we’ve seen this season, and really even this series as well, a 2 of 4 in Cleveland is a good result.
  6. Just like calculus class, we need to see your work for full credit.
  7. Once he landed in the gorge, did he settle there? Or did he created a new hole to fall through? Because the former is 2023 Baez and the latter is 2024 Baez. At this point, I think cutting him has to be ramped up. I didn't think it would be this offseason, but my goodness, a OPS+ of 91, 63, 27 and the defense isn't what it used to be. He has been demoted to a semi platoon and like @chasfh said, they hit him 17th in the lineup if they could.
  8. If Maeda was some semblance of his previous self, if Torkeson had progressed, if Baez hadn't completely fallen off of a cliff......
  9. Quite a timely thought..... UToledo to conduct study on impact of airborne toxin from algal bloom
  10. Shouldn’t be too tough, it’s right next to 3B.
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