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Everything posted by Tigeraholic1

  1. Not that it matters but this actually was a Sheriff at the door.
  2. Awful.... Yes he should be charged. I have multiple fire arms, my kids have never seen them because they stay locked in a safe. If we can't change the law to stop this kind of dumb shit then please charge with the full extent of the law. Does Michigan have the death penalty?
  3. Started watching Yellowstone streaming on Peacock. Fantastic show, Costner is top shelf.
  4. No idea. But somone walks into building alarm goes off and SRO searches student, finds gun. How does this not work? Also if said student knows there is a metal detector they don't try to bring gun? I know these are out in leftfield ideas sorry to waste anyones time. Please, refer back to your study.
  5. Only way to fix gun problems is with legistlation right? So lets do it! In the mean time if tighter security could prevent the next school shooting right? I am perplexed that this gets so much static.
  6. So to recap: Security and Detectors Bad. Arggggh republicans arghhh (Are dems not in control of both houses?) Hugs and kisses not thoughts and prayers are good.
  7. So you live in Chicago right? They don't have SRO's and metal detectors at most schools? Is it the best answer no. But unless you can get policy/ laws changed before the next shooting that is sure to come do we just throw our hands up and say oh well?
  8. I guess its a better approach than thoughts and prayers? If I am not mistaken 90-95% of school shootings happen inside the building. Make it harder to bring a weapon in?
  9. Agreed, in fact a few years back I sold a handgun via private sale. I obtained a copy of his Drivers License and filled out a bill of sale and we both signed. A year or so later I was contacted by the State Police and was told the gun was used in a crime ( I bought new and registered). They came to my house and made copies of the documents. I found out later the person I sold the gun to had it stolen and never reported it.
  10. Do most High Schools in Michigan have SRO personal on site? My little town in Indiana have 2-3 at each of the 7-8 high schools in town. I only know this from my time on a PK-8 school board and we were improving our security presence so we were gauging schools in the area.
  11. Not the answer but every school should have a metal detector and a resource officer/ cop.
  12. Not comparing, they are apples and oranges. Still pretty pathetic that the ol boy club never changes.
  13. Big media will pay ZERO attention to this. Do as I say not as I do.......
  14. That's awful to hear.... Prayers that she will get encouraging information from the doctor.
  15. Agreed, I was trying to set that aside with my argument. Most these guys just shutdown as soon as you bring up the subject.
  16. Lee, I agree that a woman should be able to do with her body as she pleases and the law says that and I respect that. I was speaking more to the idea of a fetus and a baby both are one in the same but catagorized differently. Do they both have heart beats? Individual DNA? I just HATE the argument "Ugggh you can't call it a baby yet, its just a fetus". Sceince would call a fetus a living being, but thats not convenient in this conversation. We can all agree a very large percentage of left leaning folks are Athiest or pick and choose what part of Christianity that is convientent enough to say the are believers. My point being we paint a fetus to be a blob of tissue so no need to call it a baby until one amazing day its not the same as it was yesterday. l call BS if you follow the sceince....
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