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Everything posted by Betrayer

  1. I think everyone knew the NBA was going to side with its darling, Lebron. He punches Stew in the face, makes him gush blood, but Stew gets suspended for longer. Whatever. Honestly, if I was the NBA I would have given them both 4 games because I have no idea how they're going to police that game in LA.
  2. Agreed. Just nice to see people talking about this nationally and starting to recognize that Casey isn't the long term answer if you're trying to build a contender.
  3. You need to watch more 4th quarters. Casey calls the Grant isolation play over and over and it doesn't work over and over. He's just not an iso player and the usual result is a long two point attempt, which is the least efficient shot in basketball and one that's he's only hitting 32% of the time. He certainly has his games where he's on fire (like last night) but he's much better in the flow of the offense like when he was getting wide open 3 point looks from the guards initiating the offense in the 2nd quarter or when he's using his athleticism to drive to the basket off of a screen. Putting the ball in his hands for an iso play in the 4th has been bad news ever since he came to Detroit, but Casey doesn't learn.
  4. More importantly, Casey absolutely blew this game. He rode that bench lineup for way too long and it lost them the lead. Same thing he does in first quarters while the team is getting wrecked and he won't make changes until inside the 6 minute mark because he can't change the plan. Then that atrocity of a final play. Not only does he pull Frank Jackson who can actually shoot threes, but he calls a play for Hami to make an impossible pass. What a train wreck of a coach. Grandpa Casey is great for being a calming presence for young players, but if you're expecting to get better in the W column at some point with this team, he's not the guy. Or, at the very least you have to get him an offensive coordinator like Toronto did with Nurse. The rest of the NBA didn't realize that was why Casey won coach of the year, but Toronto sure did.
  5. Coaches on the hot seat. Listing Casey as 3rd highest on the list. https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/nba-coaching-hot-seat-with-luke-walton-fired-frank-vogel-dwane-casey-stephen-silas-could-be-next-to-go/
  6. Clear cheap shot by Lebron, punching Stew in the face. Yea, Stew should've stopped but when you're a 20 year old with adrenalin kicking and your face is gushing with blood, you're going at that guy. Stew was trucking Pistons staff like an NFL running back against middle schoolers.
  7. No, that's why he came here when offered equal money by Denver (a good playoff team). He wanted the chance to showcase his skills. He can light it up when he gets hot, but he also takes a lot of low efficiency long two-pointers and isn't good at creating for others. Most don't see him as #1 or #2 option on a championship team and question his timeline with the Pistons youth movement, so you'll often hear people talk of moving him for picks or a younger player.
  8. Watched the game as usual (I mean, I haven't missed a Pistons game in 20 years now) and it was definitely a fun one. Cade - This kid is good. As others have already said, he came up huge in this game. Played solid defense, hit shots and made plays in the clutch. Even for all the talk of his "lack of athleticism" I rarely see him struggle to get to the rim or get an open look when he attacks...and we're not even 10 games into his NBA career yet. Also, it's great to see everyone - and I mean everyone - deferring to him already as the primary ball handler. Killian - That hand is a problem. He's fighting through it and I commend his grit, but he may need to take some time off for it to heal. Also, his defense is next level good. I could see him making first team all-defense at some point in his career. If his 3pt shooting this year isn't a fluke and he continues to improve in that area, there's no reason he can't be a really good NBA player as a 3 and D guard who can be a secondary ball handler. Imagine if Bruce Brown had figured out that 3pt shot and could handle the ball - only I think Hayes may be an even better defender already at age 20. Again, he hasn't even played half of an NBA season yet. Josh vs Hami - Josh and Hami are a bit redundant in Casey's view, so I suppose only one of them gets to play. Honestly, I'm ok with this. For every good play Josh makes, he makes another bad play. Beginning to feel like Josh is what he is and I see a lot more potential with Hami (if he can ever figure that 3pt shot out). Hami got some run and was neither bad nor good, although it was nice to see someone with elite athleticism out there. He had one block from behind that was just sick. Frank and Bey - Seem to be finding their shot again. I like Bey and I know a lot of people are really high on him, but I'm seeing him as a Jae Crowder in his prime type of player: Going to get you 14 points, 5 rebounds, good defense, high IQ every night. He's not your #1 or #2 player, and probably not even your #3 player on a championship team, but he could be that 4th guy in the starting lineup who you can't leave open on offense and will be a bulldog on defense night in and night out. Stewart - Solid comeback game after a pretty bad outing against SAC. I still wonder if he's the right fit as a starting center though. We really need an athletic lob threat, shot blocking, rebounding big. Someone that can make defenses pay in the pick and roll with Cade. Love Beef Stew's effort and ability to switch on defense, but I question his ceiling. Either way, I want him to remain a Piston and I think he could be great feasting on backups as the primary bench big man once we find our Mobley type of player. CoJo - Finally had a nice game, but I just don't care. Play Saben and develop him.
  9. Killian has been improving all season. You probably don't see it if you just watch the box scores, but he's giving me a little hope. His defense was already solid and continues to impress me more and more. He's also shooting a team high 43.3% from three this year (yes, you read that right). He's a solid passer and he'll get you a few rebounds from the guard spot as well. And let's not forget that he hasn't played even half a season of NBA ball yet in his career. I have no idea what this kid will become, but if he can continue to improve in this way, then I see no reason he can't be a solid backcourt compliment to Cade. A number of guys found themselves again in this game, which was good to see. Bey found his 3pt shot and had an all-around solid game. Beef Stew was killing it inside by getting open after guard penetration. Josh Jackson gives me Sheed flashbacks in a way. One second he's making you cheer with an awesome block and two second later he's making you pull out your hair with a careless turnover at the absolute worst time. Oh, and since it's been a day or two since I've said it: CoJo needs to sit on the bench and be a locker room guy. Play Saben or stagger the minutes better with Cade and Killian by taking one out early and then subbing him for the other one (stop playing two groups of five, Casey!). Either way, I don't need to see CoJo pounding the air out of the ball. I'd rather watch someone who has a chance to develop than watch someone who's terrible and has no chance to develop into anything other than what he is. We can say that the G League is garbage, but Jalen Green got drafted second overall by averaging 18ppg in the G League. How many is Saben averaging again? Oh yeah, 38ppg. And even if you want to say that it doesn't matter, the 51% from 3pt range on 9 attempts per game absolutely does matter. Bring him up and play him. Sit CoJo.
  10. Getting worked over by Casey isn’t helping much either. This is half bad shooting and half terrible coaching. Gotta fix one or both soon. Also, Saben with: 42, 8, and 8 33, 9, and 2 and 40, 9, and 5 on 50% 3pt shooting over his 3 G league games. Do we really need to see Corey Joseph?
  11. Damn! It's on ESPN? That means I have to wait 3 hours after it airs to watch on League Pass.
  12. In case you missed it, here's Stewart's crossover and dunk:
  13. Saben Lee with 42 in his Cruise debut. Yeah, it's G League, but kid's got some potential and I'd much rather watch him develop than watch CoJo dribble the life out of the ball.
  14. Box score doesn’t really tell the tale. Cade was solid despite the shooting. His shot looks good and most of those were near misses rather than bricks. When he gets his legs I think the shot will be fine. He rebounded well, played PG most of his minutes (a lot of Hayes off-ball), got good looks at the rim, drew a lot of fouls, and hit his free throws. Hayes continuing to look better as well. All he has to do is knock down that three like he did tonight and continue to play defense and he’ll be fine. No idea what’s up with Bey. Looked good to start the season but he’s really fallen off. Looks like he’s struggling to find his role in the offense since Cade started playing and the play calling isn’t getting him set up for open threes either. So, he’s getting lots of weird post ups without first creating a screen to get a mismatch. Joseph is still hot garbage. Just play Lee, at least we can hope he develops. if you watch nothing else from this game, go find Stewart’s dunk. He absolutely killed Joel on a crossover and double clutch dunked it at the rim. Highlight play of the season so far.
  15. I just want to see improvement from Cade, Killian, and a bounce back game from Bey. Still fine with losses as long as I can see sparks of the future. CoJo and Kelly playing extended 4th quarter minutes to secure a win means nothing to me.
  16. Right, people will point to Trae or Luka. But let's be honest, Trae has explosive speed even though he's not an above the rim athlete. He can get by his man and disrupt an offense or hit the shot if you back off. Not sure I see Cade having that kind of first step. That leaves Luka, which is obviously what everyone is hoping for. But part of what makes Luka so intriguing is the fact that he's the extremely rare player that is dominant despite the lack of athleticism, which bucks the norm (Lebron, KD, Davis, Wade, Jordan, Kobe, Kawhi, on and on). So, we're not only hoping for Cade to be a superstar, but to do so in a way that is very rarely achieved. Problem is, you can't teach athleticism like you can teach shooting, so he really has limited ways to become a superstar. Can he become a generational shot maker like Curry? A multi-faceted talent like Luka? Those are your options. And that's why shooting like last night scares the fan base so much because everything is riding on that aspect of his game.
  17. And yet Hayes has actually been showing sign of life. My concern with Cade is the same as it’s always been - athleticism. You have to be a truly great shooter to overcome the lack of it. So hopefully 2-14 is an anomaly.
  18. It was definitely disappointing not to see Cade in there. At least there could have been something to look forward to in that blowout. It's early and we have a tough schedule to start, but does the team actually look less competent than last year? weird to say that about a 20 win team, but this offense is horrid. Saying they can't hit shots is too simple - the fact is that they aren't even getting good looks most of the time. One screen and then hero ball over and over. No off ball movement or screening, nobody with explosiveness to penetrate and draw in the defense, and so there's a lot of contested shots as a result. Not sure Cade fixes that.
  19. Bey continues to impress and it was good to see Frank find his shot again. Killian playing a little better the last couple of games, but still a long way from competent. Defense was solid throughout most of the game as well, but the offense is absolutely horrid. Most fun part of the game was watching Dre do Dre things over and over: 2 points, 4 rebounds, 4 turnovers, 6 fouls in 14 minutes of play. First real chance for a win is this Saturday against Orlando, but it's probably a better idea to lose for the sake of those lottery tie-breakers.
  20. I'm hot and cold on Weaver at this point. Certainly I'd like more draft picks and I'd also like to see him handle his assets a little better. Then again, I love the fact that he had the guts to change over the entire team in a year and truly commit to the rebuild with some very solid moves along the way. In the end, we need to wait and see.
  21. Best part of it is who those bad teams are beating. Cavs beat the Clippers and OKC beat the Lakers after LA had a big lead.
  22. I like the OKC method. Lots and lots of draft picks. More draft picks means more potential to land a franchise altering star. When you have that star, the "restore" can actually start as you rebuild around him.
  23. Rough start, but I think we all expected that. The Good Bey: He's really showing that he's a lot more than a 3 and D guy. I like what I'm seeing from him so far. He's been hitting the glass too, which this team needs. Yeah, his 3PT% is off so far, but I'm certain that will be fine. Stewart: Averaging nearly a double-double along with 1.3 blocks. I like how he's progressing. Still not sure if his ceiling is high enough to be an all-star, but he looks like he'll at least be a solid player in the league. The Bad Frank Jackson: I have no idea what happened to Frank, but hopefully it's just a little slump. He looks lost out there and simply can't find the bucket. Hami: He's got a long way to go. Struggling to see what aspect of his game improved in the offseason. His shot still looks really bad and he looks lost in the offense. The Ugly Casey: He's a development coach, so that's fine for now. But when this team is ready to take the next step he needs to go. His 2 unit lineup is just lazy - is he playing a video game? The offense is just terrible. Much like in Toronto, it's based on hero ball, but this team has no heroes. Hayes: I'm trying to find an NBA player here, but not seeing one. I'm still struggling to see what skill is his "thing". Defense is solid, but he doesn't appear to dribble, pass, shoot, drive, or do anything else at a high level. I keep waiting to see flashes of something that can give me hope for development. Corey Joseph: He's hot garbage. 16% shooting, 12% from three. Mostly looks for his own offense rather than assists. Maybe Saben Lee is hot garbage too, but there's a chance he's not. We already know what Corey Joseph is, so why bother playing him, especially when Lee has shown some progress in Summer League and Preseason?
  24. Weaver saying that Cade is likely out until after the first road trip. So, that would put his debut at the Orlando game on the 30th.
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