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Everything posted by holygoat

  1. Ha ha, yeah I went "YES! ... NO!" but he got it back to around the line of scrimmage.
  2. 18-point lead in the 3rd quarter means you're supposed to win, right?
  3. Buffalo is the home team today at Ford Field, so they've decided to play like the Lions.
  4. Oh wow, the Lions got the benefit of the expired-play-clock judgement call.
  5. I guess turning the game off when the Bears went up 24-10 was the wrong call.
  6. I'm not saying that Campbell needs to go, but if Sheila fired him tomorrow, I wouldn't argue. This team should be better than it is right now.
  7. Dolphins putting their foot on the Lions neck now. This team sucks so bad. Every coach needs to be on the hot seat. This is pathetic.
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