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Jonathan Schoop

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Schoop had some tough luck against the Astros pitchers,Saturday afternoon. He hit two rocket shots back to the mound and one ball actually deflected back to Houston catcher Martin Maldonado. Maldonado proceeded to throw the ball to first bailing the Astros out of a jam. The Tigers suffered a heartbreaking loss to the Astros, however I believe Schoop could be getting ready to end his slump at the plate. At this point; I’m looking for anything positive from our Tigers.

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I hope you're right but I think Schoop may be toast. He'll probably put together a relatively decent stretch cause even if he is toast I don't think he is truly this bad but after things correct themself I don't see him being anymore than maybe a mid 600s OPS type of guy. That's basically what he was last year aside from that one hot month he had.

Edited by RandyMarsh
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