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RandyMarsh last won the day on December 17 2023

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  1. One thing I always respected about DD was that when he was trading for premium proven talent he flat out said he wasn't trying to "win" the trade, he knew he was getting a proven commodity so in turn had to give up the best guys he had to get them even if it meant looking foolish in the long run. He didn't say to Miami "well you can have your pick of 5 of our guys but Maybin and/or Miller are off limits", no he gave them both. Same with Anibal Sanchez, it wasn't a "no you can't have our top prospect in Jacob Turner.." instead he gave it to them. With the Red Sox it was the same thing, he gave them Moncada who some had as the number 1 overall prospect along with Kopech who was the arguably the best pitching prospect as well for the proven guy in Sale. He accepted that to get the proven stud you had to make sacrifices even if you may "overpay" with prospects. And guess what? He won multiple division/pennants and World Series by going with this approach. It's a shame that more GM's aren't like this anymore. Furthermore I earlier mentioned about the "settling" part or taking prospects that other teams feel are expendable for them. That's what Avila did with JV, the Astros didn't want to give up Kyle Tucker, Yordan Alvarez or Forrest Whitley so he settled for the guys they were willing to and it burned us. Same with the Cespedes trade, the Mets weren't willing to budge on Zach Wheeler so we settled for Fulmer, I don't want another repeat of that now that we have more leverage. Make the other team "overpay" with prospects and give up guys they don't want to, don't settle for the players that may be great prospects but have question marks hence them trying to force you to take them. Like DD always did and said(to paraphrase) "If you're getting premium talent you have to give up premium talent that you otherwise wouldn't want to get rid of."
  2. I'm hanging up the phone if they don't include Holliday or Basallo. If Im trading the top pitcher in baseball who is under control for 2yrs and 3 postseasons I'm not settling for the other teams prospects that they feel are expendable or what works for them. No you're giving up what works for us and paying the premium of one of your top 2 guys, if you won't then somebody else will....or we'll just keep him and get another Cy Young season out of him.
  3. Trent Williams now holding out until he gets a new deal. Nice to see some drama from other NFC contenders meanwhile we have little to none since Brad took care of all this **** in the offseason.
  4. It would be hard for me to say no to Holliday, Mayo plus if that were the return despite the fact I love Skubal. The fact is that guys like Skubal typically aren't elite for long periods of time anymore. For every Verlander there are a dozen Stephen Strasburgs so if we can get multiple elite position players who should be effective if not great for us for atleast the next half dozen years it would be hard to say no to.
  5. My Lions jersey history consists of the likes of Charles Rogers, Kevin Jones, Boss Bailey, Kennoyt Kennedy(remember him?) and Ernie Sims just to name a few. They of course all ended up being busts and off the team within 2 yrs of me getting them. My only luck has been with the team stalwarts like Barry, Calvin and Stafford. Anytime I tried to be different and stray away from the top names I got burned.
  6. Don't have the actual data to back this up but it 'feels' like the Tigers are taking alot less of those pitches and instead turning on them which helps coincide with the offensive spike.
  7. Very few starters throw 200 innings anymore, Id say the new benchmark is around 150 and I think Jobe could be perfectly capable of getting close to that number next year. I don't think teams prescribe to the old line of thinking Verducci came up with where you only increase innings by 20 or so a year. If Jobe can get to 80 or 90 this year including the AFL theres no reason that he can't get to the 140-150 needed to be a regular starter in today's MLB next year. We or course are still gonna need to go get another starter or 2 from outside the org but we were gonna have to do that regardless of Jobe.
  8. Rocchio of the Guardians has had himself a day at the plate. Has struck out 4 times on only 17 pitches with 15 of them being strikes. Last 3 ABs has struck out 3 times on 10 pitches with the lone other pitch being a foul ball. Just brutal!
  9. Only 90K above slot, I was expecting more since he was arguably the best prep bat in the class.
  10. There's no rule that says you can't buy players and continue to build from within at the same time. You don't have to wait till you feel you're a true contender before doing so. The Rangers are a prime example of this, folks thought they were stupid to do "win now moves" like sign Semien and Seager when they were supposedly so far away from contention yet a year later they won the whole thing.
  11. I'm sure it will get resolved and have little impact on the regular season but still seeing that Jordan Love has told the Packers he won't practice till he gets a new deal is good news for me. Whatever possible distraction to the Pack no matter how insignificant is a welcome sight for me.
  12. To me if you truly feel a pitcher is ready for the majors there is no point keeping him in the minors. Every extra pitch he throws down there is one less that he can throw for you in the majors.
  13. Yeah the Spencer Jones hype is ridiculous, just cause he is bigger, has raw power and is a Yankees prospect doesnt mean he is the next Aaron Judge like many of the media is trying to make people think. During this whole trade rumor season Ive seen the same writers trying to hype Jones up as like this generational type prospect or something that if included in a package would be enough to pry away anybody the Yankeees wanted.
  14. You can say alot of things about Chris but I don't think he is cheap atleast to the point where he won't spend any money to improve the team and only cares about the bottom line. He's likely never going to overspend like his Dad but I think he will spend accordingly. I hear plenty of folks speculate that Flaherty was only signed with the specific intention to trade at the deadline, well if he was as cheap as some people make out why would he be ok with giving a pitcher 14 million dollars who was coming off a terrible season for the chance that he may not only turn it around but in turn bring back a prospect(s) who may actually turn out to be useful? He could've just as easily pocketed that 14 mill and used league minimum guys to fill that role.
  15. I know you're kidding but just cause you mentioned his name I felt the need to bring up the fact that Rick Porcello is still only 35 which is wild to me, he's only less than a year older than Seth Lugo who is currently 3rd in the league in pitcher bWAR.
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