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Posted March 31, 2009
Always my favorite moment of the hockey season, apart from Red Wing playoff victories. Could tonight be the night?

Posted April 1, 2009
Looking good so far, but still a ways to go, at least an hour and a half. After being just a hit goalpost away on Saturday.

Posted April 1, 2009
The fat lady is warming up ...

Posted April 1, 2009
Blue Jackets?

Posted April 1, 2009
Better than that ... by being much worse.

Posted April 1, 2009
Ah ha. Maple Leafs. Heh.

Posted April 1, 2009
It's over in Montreal. 8th place Habs win, taking them to 88 points. In the unlikely event the Leafs win their final six games, they'd top out at 87 points ... which means ... the Leafs miss the playoffs so once again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again again


Hahaha, suck it Leafs, you despicable bums.


11 months later...
Posted March 31, 2010

I look forward to this annual bump as much as the Mccarty-Lemieux anniversary. Leafs lose, they're out of the playoffs ... AGAIN.

43 YEARS ... AND COUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted March 31, 2010

Posted March 31, 2010
Longest drought (43 years) between Finals appearances in NHL history!! Not to mention 43 years between Cups!

Johnny Mac
Posted March 31, 2010
The Blackhawks last won in 1960-61 and only have one finals appearance since then. I think that is probably worse.

Posted March 31, 2010 (edited)

Actually, the Hawks have made the Finals five times since their last Stanley Cup including 3 times since 1967 (Leafs 0 since 1967):






The Hawks have won 13 division titles since 1967; the Leafs 1.

This will be the Hawks' 8th 100pt season since 1967; the Leafs 2.

The Hawks have made the NHL semi-finals 14 times since 1967; the Leafs 5.

The Leafs have been way, way worse than the Hawks the past 43 years.

won 13 division titles since 1967; the Leafs 1.

This will be the Hawks' 8th 100pt season since 1967; the Leafs 2.

The Hawks have made the NHL semi-finals 14 times since 1967; the Leafs 5.

The Leafs have been way, way worse than the Hawks the past 43 years.

My bad, thats what wikipedia research gets you :cheeky:

Posted March 31, 2010
Does L.S. boycott Tim Horton Coffee? If he does, he's true blue.

Posted March 31, 2010
My uncle had it rough. Huge Wings fan but long-time Ontario schoolteacher. The Ontario teacher's union is the largest shareholder of the Maple Leafs through their pension fund.

BTW, too bad Tim Horton didn't stick to drinking only coffee the day he died.

Posted March 31, 2010
Im bored of making fun of Leafs fans. About 75% of the people I know are fans of the Buds, and it has become tiring. Some of them have realized a while ago just how bad their organization is, so there's no use in trying to grill them.

On the other hand though, I still laugh when they get optimistic. A good start to the season will have them talking playoffs. When the Dion Phaneuf deal was announced this year, you would have thought they acquired Bobby Orr. Luke Schenn and Nazem Kadri are clearly two of the best 19-20 year old prospects in the world. Most of them are terribly delusional, its actually very comical.

Posted April 8, 2010

Posted April 16, 2010
Tough times for Toronto sports fans. Leafs haven't made the playoffs since 2004. Jays haven't made the playoffs since 1993. Raptors have now missed the playoffs 2 straight years. As have the CFL Argos. I don't mind the Raptors or the Argos. But the Leafs & Jays? Ha, couldn't happen to a better two teams!

11 months later...
Posted April 6, 2011
Listening to Sabres-Bolts. Sabres leading by a goal with 8 minutes to go in 3rd. The Sabres just need to at least get this game to OT and it will be bye-bye Leafs.

Posted April 6, 2011
Under 2 minutes to go 😁

Posted April 6, 2011
ENG for the Sabres. LEAFS FALL!!!

Posted April 6, 2011
44 years... and counting!

Posted April 6, 2011
Love it.

11 months later...
Posted March 27, 2012
Shin's favorite annual post was last night, and mine could be as early as tonight.

Posted March 28, 2012
Game over at the ACC. For once, Ill be mature and not say a word. I'll just stifle a laugh ... 45 times.


Edited by lordstanley
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