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The Ronz

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Everything posted by The Ronz

  1. Or - as I keep saying - they are all for it/in on it.
  2. Who is it that is running for President that attended a military school?
  3. Children that were considered "handicapped" in any manner - not that they actually were - were denied the right to attend public school until 1975. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_for_All_Handicapped_Children_Act
  4. Trump’s niece Mary Trump who has a PhD in Clinical Psychology has always maintained that he has an “undiagnosed learning disability.” Trump’s sister, also named Mary Trump, said “he doesn’t read.” She didn’t say he couldn’t read just that he doesn't. Unlike someone else who is always mentioned as having “dementia” Trump may actually have untreated cognitive issue.
  5. I have been telling people this for years. I know exactly what this country is in for if he is elected. A large segment of the American population has been waiting for this moment for years.
  6. No, they are not lying. They are telling the absolute truth. I know ***MANY*** people who did exactly that - voted for Bill Clinton twice, voted for Obama twice, voted for Hillary Clinton, voted for Biden and are now voting for Trump. Why? Trump "normalized" racism and they (the Trump voter) can now - without shame - vote for a candidate who is as proudly racist as they are. Ask them - they will be more than happy to tell you that exact fact.
  7. It can be summed up quite easily. All those nice white people in that video are racist. A vote for Trump is a vote for racism. You don't have to look any deeper than that.
  8. The only thing I got out of this is that since Trump the Hatch Act must no longer be a thing.
  9. Those who opposed him before are either not going to vote this time or are now going to vote for him. Of course, I hope I am wrong about all of this.
  10. As I stated before, Trump is going to win in a landslide. The reason is as follows: There has been a sleeper cell in America for nearly 100 years. No – not Muslims. No – not those interested in Sharia Law. It was backed by the Catholic church and strongly supported by American industry – especially those located in and around Detroit, MI. Trump activated it and America will never be the same. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC1MNGFHR58
  11. Both. Trump is BIG money to the media and others so they will always hype him, put a positive spin on anything negative and/or flat out ignore anything negative. Like Homer Simpson said "...if you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day and do it really half-assed. That's the American way."
  12. Anyone who identifies as an "Independent" is voting for Trump. Anyone who says they are "Uncommited" is voting for Trump. Anyone who says "Biden's age is a concern" is voting for Trump. Not sure how the media or anyone doesn't understand this yet.
  13. Where's a swarm of Swordfish when you need one?
  14. Can someone explain the fixation with gas prices? 40 years ago it was approximately $1 a gallon. Now it is approximately $3 a gallon. Most things have gone up 10 times or more in the past 40 years. A pack of baseball card in 1984 was 30 cents. Now they are $3. A McDonald's Filet-O-Fish was 50 cents. Now they are $5. A daily newspaper was 20 cents. Now they are $2 if not more.
  15. The amount of times the word “fentanyl” was mentioned in American newspapers from 2010 through 2024. Prince died in early 2016. No idea what happened after that. 😉
  16. Trump is going to win by a landslide. Both by popular vote and the Electoral College. All the people I know are ***DONE*** with Democracy. They do not want it in any way, shape or form. This includes young people voting for the first time right through those who are in their late 80's. They are completely done with America as we know it and want absolutely no part of it.
  17. I think this is what you are referring to: https://www.mediaite.com/news/right-wing-news-sites-see-traffic-plummet-at-start-of-2024-compared-to-2020-breitbart-down-87/
  18. It wasn't just the German industrialists. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/nov98/nazicars30.htm https://aadl.org/node/196687
  19. I don't disagree but what everyone seems to miss is those supporting Trump WANT exactly that - total destruction. They have no interest in anything else. They don't want to be beholden to "Truth, Justice and the American Way." They want racism, Fascism, Nazism, death and destruction - of course as long as it is happening to someone else. This is what they WANT and they will elect someone like Trump to get it.
  20. They said that in 1957 but then the World Champion Detroit Lions lost to a college team. 😉😁
  21. This also key and that's on the coach. What should have been obvious hand offs to Montgomery were not. The coach unequivocally lost that game.
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