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The Ronz

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Everything posted by The Ronz

  1. Sounds like Flowers for Algernon. Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOR448RUThc
  2. What is the make and model of the laptop?
  3. You and Lee could be right. I honestly don't remember exactly what it was, but it seemed to be more than just Qslvr or something like that.
  4. I thought his name was "Quicksilver" - the whole word and not an abbreviation. Anywho, I think he worked for the Government. Did Nate Silver ever work for the Government?
  5. Settlement! Dominion needed to sue Trump. Fox argued that it was merely reporting newsworthy allegations made by a sitting president. The judge ruled those claims to be false and issued a summary judgement for Dominion. Thus, everything Trump said was false. Great but it proves nothing. Obviously, it was not reported by Fox nor was it covered well by MSM. Had Dominion sued Trump and won a summary judgement in the exact same way and Fox still refused to cover it - it would have been more apparent that they were/are lying. https://the2020election.org/trump-voting-machine-quotes/
  6. Does that poll say "Of those who watch Fox - 59% do NOT trust it as a news source" or am I misinterpreting the poll?
  7. Sorry to hear about your negative Pinewood Derby experiences. I won....twice.
  8. Thank God they didn't see Tony Phillips play baseball! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  9. Yes, the name was Estes. Unless two were launched then they were known as "Testes." ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. Couldn't you just have right clicked/Save As and got the JPEG's for free?
  11. Night Flight 76 with Jay Roberts. JP McCarthy's shows on Opening Day were legendary.
  12. So after all these years does anyone know the manufacturer and model number of the laptop yet?
  13. I have been waiting for this post and you are correct.
  14. Been using that phone number for decades. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  15. Exactly! Where is Larry Flynt when you need him? For those who don't remember the John DeLorean FBI tapes were given/sold/whatever to CBS News by Larry Flynt.
  16. To my knowledge, yes you can run for President from prison. Doesn't anyone remember Eugene V. Debs Kazoo Night at Tiger Stadium? Eugene V. Debs was a Socialist who ran for President several times. The last time, in 1920, he ran while in prison.
  17. That would be the Mulford Act. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act
  18. So the game isn't on "free" TV? Just $treaming and/or the radio?
  19. Thanks everyone for the info! ๐Ÿ™‚ Also of note is that it was both Reyes and Greeneโ€™s first homerun of the season.
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