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01/30/2023 8:30 EST Detroit Pistons vs Dallas Mavericks


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So the assistant that Luka is talking about is Jerome Allen. 

You can read about him here https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article227293729.html

Basically pleaded guilty to accepting bribes while the HC at Penn.  He was taking money to list a guys son as a possible recruit so he could get into Penn.



On February 26, 2020, the NCAA announced penalties against Allen and the Penn men's basketball program stemming from the bribes. The program was placed on two years' probation, but did not receive a postseason ban. Allen received a 15-year show-cause penalty from the NCAA, effective until February 20, 2035. It is the longest ever handed down to a (former) head coach. During this period, any school that hires Allen must "show cause" for why it should not be sanctioned for doing so. In an unusual move, if Allen gets a head coaching job after the show-cause expires, he must sit out the first half of the first season of his return.[15][16] It is very difficult for a head coach to return to the collegiate ranks even after a show-cause expires, since many presidents and athletic directors are extremely reluctant to hire someone with a show-cause on his record.[17] Only four coaches have ever worked in college basketball again after receiving a show-cause.[citation needed]


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39 minutes ago, Deleterious said:

Him asking Livers who he is cracks me up.  I ask myself the same question, Luka.  And Livers played HS ball like 20 minutes from me.

But seriously, the guy just dropped a 50 piece on ya and you are talking shit?  What exactly are you saying there?  Hey, you didn't get 60!


Thank goodness the dance team came out to break up the potential brawl.

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That was the most selfish play I've ever seen on a basketball court. Nope, not from Luka, who plays a brand of basketball that seems to get more and more like Harden every day.

I'm talking about Bey. Down 2 with the chance to tie it and you can't make the most obvious dump off pass in the history of basketball to Duren who's standing under the rim? Instead you go up with an awkward, contested off-hand shot and then Dallas goes the other way and scores. Game over.

Also, we need to talk about how Stew at Center just doesn't work - even off the bench. His only chance in this league is to play primarily at PF. Too small, can't jump, can't set a screen, can't catch the ball in the paint, terrible finisher in the paint. Don't tell me Noel can't play 13 minutes a game behind Duren at backup Center so we can give the Stew/Duren lineup a legitimate chance for 20 games to see where that goes.

Sounds weird to say it, but this team missed Hami's brand of chaos last night.

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I've actually been watching them a bit the last three games and they are making small improvements.  Duren continues to make strides defensively.  He does have some trouble with really big dudes but that is nitpicking.  Ivey's stat lines might not be impressive but he flashes big time potential on offense with his combination of ball handling and explosiveness.  Bey is a nice rotation player player at the very least, even if he doesn't make it as a starter.  Same thing for Burks.  On a good team, guys like Bey and Burks are really nice role players.  With Cade back next year, having Ivey, Bogey, and Cade starting and Bey and Burks coming off the bench is a something to look forward too. 

I do agree Stewart needs to stay at power forward.  I do think he has value there, especially off the bench.  But the power forward position is where we really need to upgrade this offseason.  

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Yes, the wing in general needs work. It's a 2-way wing league and we don't have those. Bogie is a nice scorer (if he stays), but he gives up as much as he gets on the other end as one of the worst defenders in the league. If he's staying you're going to need a superstar defender at the other Forward position, along with Duren continuing to make good strides as a defender, and these guards finding a way to show some pride on defense. You just can't have 4 bad defenders out there at once.

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