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Everything posted by pfife

  1. whew these new arguments that no one has ever heard before still suck just like the last 10 times some dude come here and rerurgitated them I'll stop giving my opinion on guns when their ammunition lack the ability to pierce my skin. Your arbitrary knowledge tests don't matter a bit hoss
  2. my favorite is "needs to know gun guy" who goes on for paragraphs about covid numbers to someone like me when they wouldn't know what a diagnosis code was if it kicked them in the hcpcs code
  3. Ok but I'm not handling a firearm I'm fighting about politics on a message board but you killed it man absolutely crushed it
  4. oh boy, now we're going to pretend "there's no such thing as an assault rifle" is an argument that hasn't lost here a bunch already
  5. The right click burn on nft bro makes me laugh.
  6. It's not clearly self defense. People were defending themselves from him as well hint it's because he was an active shooter
  7. would you go to an area where violence was likely if you were interested in doing violent things?
  8. I wish I had drank more for that game too
  9. I agree that it's a really bad scenario and arguing about whether they're actually responsible for it is futile in terms of winning elections
  10. vote for republicans that QE during the "greatest economy ever" and blame everyone else for inflation
  11. consecutive posts. Literally arguing both sides. Troll much?
  12. even if he is a black guy? trollin as always
  13. we all make our choices man
  14. it's not at all condemned. It's celebrated by many.
  15. you literally acted like there was some double standard where "F Biden" is condemned but "F Trump" is celebrated. That's why I quoted exactly this part of what you said when this line of discussion happened: [quote] As such, "Let's go Brandon" blew up a bit on the right. So, if you say this, you're a horrible douchebag, obviously a racist, and just an overall bad person for saying something so foul on TV. Conversely, if you "Fuck Trump" at the Tony's, you get a standing ovation[/quote] All I'm saying is I'm not so certain the "F Biden" is condemned part of the double standard you laid out is true, therefore saying your double standard isn't a double standard, but instead today's eswiegism. eswiegism: a horribly strained comparison where all differences are blatantly and conveniently disregarded, used to paint someone on the left as a hypocrite. common side effect: arguing about the aspects of the comparison to determine whether they're actually comparable, thus derailing the actual important topic.
  16. I think this is largely true (I think they will impeach though) but a lot will depend on whether Trump is actually running. I am assuming he is, and I think that alone could be a rallying effect around the Democratic candidate.
  17. Their power is in their shamelessness.
  18. You seem to be presenting a situation where "Let's go Brandon" is condemned. I don't see that as reality. But I get it, if Let's Go Brandon isn't condemned, your eswiegism won't work. So now we get to fight about whether or not Let's Go Brandon is condemned so let's get on with it
  19. weird that you don't mention anything about the positive reaction "let's go brandon" gets which is a lot. actually it's not weird. It doesn't fit your narrative so you disregard. In other words, doin' the Eswieg
  20. Imagine not seeing at all how abjectly stupid trump is.
  21. twitter absolutely nails why Gosar is trending.
  22. The trump wall budget that wasn't stolen and pardoned- you know the other $ he couldn't get thru congress b/c he sucks at presidenting but you come here and defend him anyways. You know, that $
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