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Everything posted by pfife

  1. even the crappy ones realized that- that's why he got worse than crappy ones.
  2. Imagine Elon Musk but richer and worse arguments about politics
  3. I'm gonna wait for someone else besides Rolling Stone to report that. I remember some shoddy COVID reporting from then a few months ago.
  4. this would be much more powerful if you brought something other than Biden. And also if 2020 wasn't the deadliest year on record, with the worst job losses in 100 years.
  5. More conservative rioting Barricades don't apply to them
  6. out with the old wardrobe, in with the new https://c-spanshop.org/collections/c-span-and-chill
  7. makes a fake news blast on another poster, then posts DetNews not ironically. yet another example of a trumper having way higher standards for everyone else but themselves. Typical
  8. happy about right to work, pissed when companies fire people based on the rights given to them under the right to work legislation
  9. Its funny to me when folks flaunt that they don't know the difference between allegations and evidence
  10. you didn't mention the deadliest year ever and also worst job losses in over a century. commence your excuses for your guy, nice choice of defending most deaths and least jobs. I sense how inspired you are buy your guy.
  11. looks like we now get to add "do your own research" to the list which currently already contains "soros" and "democrat party" it's called the list of "just facts" tm
  12. Yep. That was why he created that voting commish that failed to find anything
  13. Lol this chief never even sniffed the committee. If he wanted on so bad he should have not sucked for years.
  14. Honestly seems like no one here talks about the Koch Brothers so I call the bluff and take the money
  15. wait so the ppl who constantly say Soros busses people in.... bussed people in? I find that very very difficult to believe.
  16. the trend I see is only facts lol
  17. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  18. lol @ "standing up to" someone in the Democratic party that was powerful enough to garner 30 seconds of speaking at the Democratic National Convention, and that 30 seconds included announcing the person who wasn't the nominee. pretty amazing value provided there but then again, the republic party likes to fellate a dude that beat up a tree with a knife as well so who am I to judge
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