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Everything posted by pfife

  1. Yes, he developed a whole pandemic plan that the trump admin ignored.
  2. You, in fact, are looking for anything to defend Trump, including looking at fake worlds where you literally make up how a Democrat would have handled COVID the exact same as Trump. If you're going to make accusations of grasping for straws, the least you could do is not do exactly what you're accusing others of. I answered the question last week quite extensively, and offered 3 answers already yesterday. I'm not surprised when your argument is "Dems would have done the same" and I post a report about how trump turned down 100m Vx doses and Biden actually purchased 500m doses that you'd go ahead and ignore the answer I provided. I'm not "looking for anything" - I'm looking at what he did as President during COVID - per the conversation we are having. You on the other hand are looking at fake presidents that in fake worlds in order to defend the real life disaster. Sweet choice champ.
  3. Here's a hilarious one, Democrat would have hired Scott Atlas LMFAO What a great argument arch
  4. This was another thing he shouldn't have done. https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/trump-administration-passed-chance-lock-more-pfizer-vaccine-doses-n1250357 They also had leaked emails where they said they wanted people to get the virus. You don't get to roll up and act like that shit never happened just to try to be less wrong than normal on the internet. I guess if I was urinating in that wind, I'd make up a whole nother world where someone else did exactly the same shit as trump
  5. Trump himself said it was the flu. Maybe if he hadn't done that and presidented as if that was true his numbers wouldn't have sucked. Luckily he has people like you to whitewash his presidency.
  6. I'll keep it in the real world rather than the hypothetical you made up. Trump lost millions of jobs. A fact that seems to push you right into a fantasy world where Democrats would have done the same thing but sadly for you they didn't here in reality. Again, worst job losses in 100 years, and deadliest year ever. That's reality, not a hypothetical of convenience for losing politics fights on the internet. Everyone knows it didn't have to be that way. You do too. W and Obama both managed to not shit the bed in pandemics. Trump sucked.
  7. I don't think there's much daylight between Republican leadership and Trump.... at least from the perspective of Republican leadership. I think it's very unlikely that they will diverge from Trump. This is up to either Trump to decide not to run, or voters to reject him. just my $.02
  8. he could very easily be elected in 2024.
  9. I'm quite sure the polling on Trump isn't predictive of trumps Performance in elections and I offer the last two elections as evidence
  10. That 30% number was the same number I was hearing before he went and got the second most votes for president in history. If polling is meant to predict election results, the accuracy in polling Trump has been lackluster at best.
  11. A made up scenario is an issue? I'd call that a made up scenario
  12. yeah I agree g2, I think we're in real trouble if he wins.
  13. I think Trump is the GOP's best chance to win.... and also best chance to lose.... simultaneously. I think he'd get the most votes of any potential GOP candidate. I also think he will get the most votes for the Democrats of any potential GOP candidate.
  14. I think the number is too low. I might even say... by a lot? I think your scenarios above would lend themselves to a higher percentage because I think you're talking about decreasing the denominator in the percentage calculation. The denominator being "Republicans".
  15. About the 44% support for him running in the GOP, I totally and thoroughly do not believe that number. I get that polling is probably the best we can do to measure this sort of thing, but before 2020 I was a proponent of the notion that there is hidden support for Trump that is not reflected in polling and that was totally true... by a lot. I am to the point now here I treat any polling regarding Trump with a huge grain of salt and always assume it is underestimating. I don't mean to denigrate polling in any way - I spent the beginning of my career at a prestigious survey institute. I buy into it. But something clearly isn't right with respect to polling on Trump and it's obvious.
  16. Gop literally voted against police funding multiple times.
  17. Solely because of Kyrie, I'm taking the Lakers. But when you also throw in Harden, I'm even more Lakers. I've grown to like Lebron more over the past few years and have always liked Westbrook but they're getting old
  18. so a politician does photo ops? or that the politician acts differently in front of cameras than not in front of cameras? utterly shocking revelations
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