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Everything posted by pfife

  1. I think Sinema could be replaced with someone more left. I think the solution to both of them having veto power is to elect more democrats from states like Wisconsin, Florida, etc. so that they can proceed with the ability for a few to vote no if they need to.
  2. Nancy booted 2 and the whole GOP left. This was after they rejected committee structures where power was more evenly divided. They really pooped the bed on it strategically b/c they could have had veto power over subpoenas and they just... walked away. Oh well, their loss.
  3. none of that is true i'm worried about "your own research"
  4. so Mexico is never paying for it. lol..... who'da guessed?!?!?
  5. Your loss. At any rate, what I posted was factual. Steve Bannon was arrested in 2020 for defrauding donors to wall funding. That caused the wall to not be built. Trump pardoned him for it. Accepting a pardon makes you convicted. So he is a convicted criminal. Trump also bypassed the House of Representatives to fund the wall. That's fact. The constitution says the House of Representatives funds stuff. That's fact. just like it's fact that your guy had the worst jobs numbers in 100 years and the deadliest year on record. if being amongst the worst in deaths and jobs isn't indicative of being super terrible, what the heck is?
  6. Also if there are holes in the wall, or it didn't get done b/c he lost the election, that's on Trump. He's literally the one that was out there bragging relentlessly about how building and infastructure was his wheelhouse, and that he built things way better and faster than anyone else, maybe even in history. So Mr. tosses bricks together real fast failed by his own standards and you're here blaming Biden. LOL. Also none of this even addressed the fact that the wall is ineffective and was also unconstitutional b/c he literally and consciously bypassed the House of Representatives constitutionally delineated power of the purse in order to fund it.
  7. It's also noted that you sidestepped any condemnation whatsoever of a guilty criminal in this, but made sure you got in the swipe at Biden. Hilarious priorities. Trumpism is a pretty strong addiction apparently.
  8. LOL all of that was after bannon stole the money nice understanding how time works just to baseline a tad, 2020 is before Biden was president. Glad to help.
  9. Old enough to remember when Alito rudely interrupted Obama's speech to claim this would never ever happen
  10. your guy literally took the wall money and ran, and you're here blaming biden?!? Hilarious man
  11. wrong, Bannon stopped building the wall. Steve Bannon charged with fraud over Mexico wall funds https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53853297
  12. The thing that sucks is they absolutely can say both of these things. And they will. Conservatives here contradict themselves within days if not hours, repeatedly.
  13. No sir, they will not. They're the based media.
  14. LOL I'd be interested in why you picked those towns, was it random?
  15. this far from the election? wow that must be a record must be because biden's numbers aren't actually 38% and they know it
  16. I reserve the right to change my mind later and haven't heard anything about this except for the words in that tweet, but in a way I can see it being ok. I think it is common for journos to send subjects of their writing a manuscript and ask for comment. Whether "ask for comment" = "additions, changes, tweaks" is definitely debatable.... but I guess I'm saying I can see a path where this isn't as sketchy as it looks. Is it his way of saying "is this all factually correct?" I'm 99% sure Trump is given the opportunity to consume woodwards manuscripts and whatnot and asked for comment before they go out. I think Michael Wolff said the same him his books too. So maybe is similar to that but his word usage wasn't ideal? Or it's sketch AF, obviously totally possible.
  17. So the wall failed to stop them? hashtag who could have predicted that hashtag everyone
  18. smart phones can be gotten for free but by all means, US immigration policy should be based on whether internet posters feel you've been deprived enough
  19. If he thinks we don't have artificial intelligence what does he call all of these folks doing their own research?
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