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Tigerbomb13 last won the day on May 25 2022

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  1. I think there can be enough nuance to this conversation to think that Hamas is an awful terrorist organization, while still being sympathetic to the plight of Palestinian citizens. I’m certain that’s how Chas feels as well.
  2. This might be the dumbest and funniest thing I’ve read all year. Wow.
  3. This. A lot of people that are homeless are not able to function like you and I. Also, if you are homeless and have no address, it’s not exactly easy to find a job. There’s also a lack of affordable housing in Ann Arbor which is also an issue.
  4. He’s a warlock and is using his cloak of invisibility at the moment
  5. Every time I see a new post from this thread, I know it’s McCosky.
  6. It’s not just a US senator, it’s from someone who was in favor of overthrowing the government.
  7. It’s Josh Hawley, so obviously take any of this with a grain of salt.
  8. Are we really debating on whether Charlie Kirk isn’t garbage or not?
  9. With my expectations dramatically lowered, I’d like to see Tork at least show more than the middling number he’s had in Toledo.
  10. Oh come on. This is QAnon level ****. Soros again?
  11. Losing Jeffries and Schumer I think makes it pretty certain Biden will not be the nominee. I didn’t think it was likely to happen until now.
  12. No surprise since she’s clearly in his pocket 🙄
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