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Everything posted by pfife

  1. ballmich used to talk about that same thing
  2. The people that are the greatest threat to our democracy are obviously the ones that tried a coup 10 months ago.
  3. Deuces I for one am shocked that the dudes who fly the traitor flag and also the confederate flag, attempt a violent coup, colluded with Russia, and drove the country into the ground don't love the country.
  4. also..... learning songs are good.... but learning the instrument is also really important. I'd throw these two things into the hopper of suggestions on how to break the plateau: 1) CAGED 2) Minor pentatonic scales just my $.02. Those are 2 things that have really helped me over the years and also recently. I've really only learned CAGED in the last year or so and it's revolutionary.
  5. I provided more than a dozen good things Biden's done. you may want to get your internets checked
  6. My experience with testing is exactly the opposite. I have about 40 instant tests from the health department at my house. For comparison, I had 0 instant tests at my house when the guy you're choosing to defend was presidon't. It was trumps standard to give trump credit for trump's economy, not mine. He did it for 3 years, then he memory holed the last year and continued to brag about the economy before he trashed it.
  7. my pic of his avatar getting firehosed got lost in the great forum crash of 2021. RIP
  8. They didn't drop out of the WHO for good reasons.
  9. Wait the gop says it's Bidens socialism that's driving up prices. They cant possibly be lying right?
  10. seems like falsifying federal documents would be a pretty serious crime. Buying fake free Vax cards is some serious MAGA dipshittery.
  11. reopening open enrollment on healthcare.gov also was a good thing he did. ordered DOJ not to renew contracts with private prisons. A good thing he did. Strengthened Buy American rules. Reversed the transgender military ban. restored collective bargaining power to federal workers. Required masks on airplanes & airports. eviction moratorium extension. Cancelled Keystone pipeline. rescind the 1776 commission. reversed the muslim ban. lotsa good stuff. Thanks for asking, I had forgotten how much good he's done. It's hard to keep track of it all.
  12. rejoined the WHO and the Paris Climate Accords. Both of those are good things Biden did.
  13. Oh Biden also fired Kelly Ann that was awesome
  14. The GOP had just gotten done failing to do one. It was exactly what you asked for - a good thing Biden has done. I get that you might not agree with it, but it happened, and it was exactly what you asked for - a good thing Biden has done. It was the single largest civilian evacuation in military history. Many many thousands of people evacuated. In other words, It was also exactly what you asked for, a good thing Biden has done. It raises more than just costs, such as their wages. It was literally a wage increase. IT was also exactly what you asked for, a good thing Biden has done. Nope they weren't from those countries. It was exactly what you asked for, a good thing Biden has done. Biden reversed Trump's cutting funding for cities that allowed protesting. That's obviously pro-first Amendment, and also exactly what you asked for, a good thing Biden has done. Yep your list of baselessly parroted talking points goes on and on. I definitely get the idea.
  15. According to this CDC website, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm The week during Biden's presidency with the most deaths was 2/6/2021, with 16,966 Covid deaths. Trump had 10 weeks that were worse than Biden's worse with the worst being 1/9/2021, with 25,953 deaths. But yes, COVID is the same as it was under Trump. Please tell us more.
  16. Emails leaked from the Trump whitehouse where the advisors were quoted as wanting people to get COVID.
  17. Remember when Trump turned down 100m doses of vaccine? Biden did the exact opposite which was smart and also good
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