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Everything posted by pfife

  1. And also the Heather Heyer murder didn't happen on a college campus but facts have never been your strong suit.
  2. Nice try. I don't think the universities should cave in either circumstance, and in both circumstances they did not.
  3. In the meantime, I'm sincerely sorry this outbreak of non violent conflict resolution and antisemitism resolution so the colleges can get back to the business of educating people happened to you.
  4. I'll let you take that up with TigerLOLic, he's the one that said everyone agreed with the demand made at UC Riverside.
  5. But I'm against antisemtism so I'm glad it stopped. That you chose to have a different stance is a weird flex.
  6. Of course I admitted there was antisemitism in them. Not a flip flop whatsoever.
  7. Sorry the peaceful resolution of anti-semitism happened to you.
  8. Red Rutgers, not to be confused with Green Rutgers out of Lansing, MI, strikes deal to end encampments. Rutgers student encampment ends peacefully with agreement. Here are the details https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/education/2024/05/03/rutgers-new-brunswick-and-gaza-student-protesters-reach-agreement-end-encampment/73557444007/
  9. Pro-Palestinian protesters, University of Minnesota reach agreement to end encampment https://www.mprnews.org/story/2024/05/02/university-of-minnesota-protests-divestment-agreement
  10. Northwestern University reaches agreement with protestors, Pritzker addresses protests https://www.yahoo.com/news/northwestern-university-reaches-agreement-protestors-044049054.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJjiovszmVlG9aX3IM-Sow0Vh9fhmNs_7tyicSM8bsqndzprJd42CdKEljUlBpt_aQd9f2gWVk53dwBx9l_oM1gzF7pFOGpN5hrB0ujTR_7iMeu4X-Xx-a38k8qqLop0sD3b_oyslJS6J0M29c6nogQzM_SmF0AlR_LvAGf7H_Pw
  11. Wow, that's crazy. I don't have the foggiest idea how long it would take to unwind QE, that's really interesting and not suprising. What I've always known is that QE is so so so so so much more impactful to the economy than something like a bill that purports to cost 3t even if it does inject a huge portion of that into the economy.
  12. For me the Pumpkins get lumped into Seattle b/c of the Singles soundtrack. Their song on that album was one of my favorites at the time.
  13. Blaming Biden for Gas prices? https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22C1V3/#:~:text=On April 12%2C under pressure,about 10% of global output.
  14. Agree, there are a lot of other things that were happening, the pandemic obviously but people don't remember that QE was still happening all throughout the trump presidency and that's extremely inflationary to do when it's not necessary. He brought in tariffs (that Biden hasn't removed). Trump actually pressured the fed to keep QE and low rates. No doubt inflationary.
  15. Edman, do I remember correctly that you had a very extensive google document of the articles/evidence around the Mueller investigation?
  16. ^ thanks for posting that. Seems like a long shot but worth the shot. I don't know if the two state solution part will work so it seems like the modified Saudi approach that is short of that mentioned in the article is more likely. The one Graham says can't get 67 in the Senate. Interesting it was modeled after the 2020 peace deals which I believe were the Kushner negotiated agreements, was he better at this than we thought? Lol
  17. Having issues with peaceful resolution after months of arguing violence is bad is an interesting way to go. It's almost as if you were virtue signalling the whole time.
  18. Less so but McCain gave the FBI the Steele Dossier, they say Hillary did.
  19. Other total classics: it was trumps fbi that told social media companies that hunters laptop was fake before 2020 election. It's also trumps fbi that encouraged J6 rioters allegedly Another one is that Trump administration started the Mueller investigation
  20. Seems like an easy demand to meet. Smart move by that administration to take the easy W.
  21. Pro-Palestinian demonstrators reach agreement with UC Riverside’s administration https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sbsun.com/2024/05/03/pro-palestinian-demonstrators-reach-agreement-with-uc-riversides-administration/amp/ Another peacefully negotiated end.
  22. Ruh roh! Rep. Henry Cuellar accused of taking bribes from Azerbaijan, Mexican bank https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/05/03/henry-cuellar-indicted-bribery-azerbaijan-mexico/
  23. The folks on msnbc make it sound like this hope hicks testimony is really really damaging for trump
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