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Everything posted by KL2

  1. ouch needed that. Defense isn't great, can't be allowing 3 and a billion
  2. Bartolo Colon look good in his younger days
  3. Game not the problem, it's the 100k people traveling to and from the game that presents an issue.
  4. To be fair he didn't have to do jack crap in the bowl game other than run 2 yards outs and get balls thrown over his head.
  5. Not saying he's isn't good BTW. Just saying i don't think we can say *no* other coach has had similar success.
  6. Well the National championship game hasn't existed for the last 100 years but.... Barry Switzer Jimmy Johnson Pete Carroll Bobby Ross Have all won national championships at the College level and won/appeared in the Superbowl.
  7. They can't leave until the season is over. Think back to when Weiss, Crennell and Belicheck hugged after the superbowl win because they all knew they were moving on.
  8. If they hire Glenn we get 2 3rds
  9. I think we're being a bit silly here. Harbaugh as still yet to win a championship at either level. Some of those coaches you listed, and some you left off, have done at least that.
  10. That is like thinking from 20 years ago. The average ref pay is 200k these guys aren't working m-f jobs anymore. They might work a day or two but it's just to fill time, they aren't doing it to live. And lol some 54 year old guy is gonna sit there on Monday and Tuesday studying the rule book. As I said full time officials does nothing to solve the problem. This isn't 25 years ago where Ed hochl is selling insurance till Friday. The only thing that would help is accountability, not hiding behind they do no wrong.
  11. Lazy thinking. If they kick three earlier every other play after that changes. You can just change one random play in a game and think everything else stays the exact same.
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