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Everything posted by Kacie

  1. Amazing that the same people couldn't have cared less that 6 year olds were slaughtered are suddenly all about gun safety because it might give them the opportunity to pin it on an actor who mocked the person they worship.
  2. https://currently.att.yahoo.com/news/worker-florida-applied-60-entry-193423909.html Not sure where to put this, but found it interesting. I also think this is one important thing that is also left out of the conversation which is how misleading employers are. I know of a few who post ads on indeed or what not and it'll say xx per hour, benefits, room to grow and most of it is total bullshit. They're just trying to get applicants but have no intention of doing anything their ads say. Then they bitch when people show up to interview but then don't show up to work.
  3. This. Just finished five years on Letrozole. Oncologist wanted me to go two more years, but made an executive decision to stop taking it a few weeks ago. So far, very happy with the decision.
  4. Six year survivor here. It's rough on the patient, but very hard on the support person as well. Take good care of yourself, too.
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