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Everything posted by smr-nj

  1. smr-nj

    MAP PR0N!

    Yep! Always been soda to me. when I first went away to college in Western Pennsylvania, coming from New Jersey, and just a year or two before that from the Bronx, when I heard people refer to soda as “pop“, I thought I had been transported back to the 1950s. Lol, …it was a culture shock to me.
  2. Bottom line. Delay Delay Delay
  3. Complicit. The Supreme Court Justices who side with this absurd notion that presidential immunity is absolute are complicit in destroying this democracy. Un-freaking-believable.
  4. That is NOT good enough. Ugh.
  5. Re:the Supreme Court hearing currently happening in regards to presidential immunity…. Listening to D. John Sauer is hard on the ears.
  6. Yeah, I guess satisfying MY need to see him thrown into a jail cell is probably not the smartest move. I will somehow cool my jets on that particular “want”. 🙂
  7. I wish people would stop making this about payment to a porn star. As distasteful as that might be/was, it’s not illegal, and it is NOT what this case is about.
  8. Hey. The both of you are making any kind of actual discourse in this thread impossible right now. There’s more than 3pages of this bickering. I can’t be the only member here who find this off-putting. How about you both take a step back for an hour or two, and perhaps allow others who might like to make a post …. Without it disappearing into this morass of pettiness. Thank you.
  9. Tomorrow morning is the gag order hearing. And just tonight Trump again made more comments about the jury. This would never be allowable for any other citizen of this country. This man needs to be held in contempt of court, put in handcuffs, and put into jail tomorrow night. this special treatment has got to come to an end. He is in contempt of court, the hell with these stupid monetary fines, …. His ass needs to be in a jail cell.
  10. On the news, interviewing people at the NYU protest, and for God’s sake, these idiots can’t even verbalize what they’re supposedly there for… because it looks/sounds like they haven’t a f’ing clue. Disgraceful - on the first night of Passover that there are absolutely haters of Israel and Jews, and people are applauding them. I’m sick to my stomach. edit to add - if I’m being truthful, what I’m really feeling right now is very angry.
  11. I never viewed her as being a part of “the squad”.
  12. OMG. Trump speaking now- after day 1, he is going to absolutely put his foot in his mouth… his lawyers obviously can’t control him. He is such a fool. Verbal diarrhea
  13. Known him to be a bad faith businessman who stiffed many of his workers both in NYC, and in AC,NJ. And, a groper. All around gross individual. Never could understand who could like this person, even before his stumble into politics.
  14. smr-nj

    MAP PR0N!

    Doesn’t an enormous amount of goods still travel cross country on freight trains? Need to maintain and upgrade those systems, imo. While “people commuter” trains may be only reasonable in metro areas, (& mostly East coast), they’re important and will remain so.
  15. The list of people who need a swift kick in the butt just keeps growing. The written press, for sure, needs to use common sense in their juror descriptions. And, honestly, the tv entities who are now part and parcel to the juror intimidation play by Trump , et al, need to be charged with jury tampering and then brought before a court and fined/jailed. The judicial process is being critically injured here. When is “enough” going to actually be enough?
  16. In memory of Brian Bluhm. 17 years ago on April 16, 2007- we lost a treasured friend and member who was killed at Virginia Tech. ”And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms, slowly and always irregularly. Spaces fill with a kind of soothing electric vibration. Our senses, restored, never to be the same, whisper to us. They existed. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed.” – Maya Angelou RIP, Brian.
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