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Everything posted by smr-nj

  1. omg. 😂. I laughed a bit at that. Wondering when my doctor is going to trip me up with that during my next visit. I am older than dirt. I have more senior moments than I’d like to admit. …. But my cat doesn’t seem to notice, so that’s good.
  2. Hopeful for a cease fire agreement. Hopeful that parents on both sides of this horror can put their children to bed with less fear. Hopeful that everyone can keep their eyes on what’s important.
  3. You honest to God cannot make this **** up. Holy crap.
  4. This post is being dropped here, only because it just hit my happy spot when I saw it today. 🙂 Sometimes, tuning in to a baseball game, even if it’s just playing in the background while I’m doing stuff, brings me such a sense of calm. 🤷‍♀️ =============================== “[Baseball] breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall all alone. You count on it, rely on it to buffer the passage of time, to keep the memory of sunshine and high skies alive, and then just when the days are all twilight, when you need it most, it stops.” ― A. Bartlett Giamatti
  5. Really, the protests that morphed into the over-the-top pro-Hamas/anti-Jew “we’re taking over - bring me a pizza” certainly did not help the actual citizens of Gaza as our corner of the world stopped focusing on them to watch the spectacle. (I am going to assume that there were a portion of the initial protesters who were indeed trying to bring more attention to the deaths in Gaza.) And, Netanyahu has no actual interest from what I see in actually procuring any hostage release…. he’s shoring up his extreme right wing support in Israel with every bomb he drops.
  6. It’s not merely what he says… it’s what a lot of states will decide to attempt.
  7. NYPD ain’t playing anymore.
  8. Latest Trump interview - here’s his position “Former President Trump in a new interview suggested states with restrictive abortion bans might monitor women’s pregnancies and should be left to decide whether to prosecute women for having the procedure.” I am frightened for every woman in this country.
  9. (Just so you know, most NY’ers hate the Queens accent) 😂
  10. 40 years ago isn’t a good comparison, imo. The world, and forms of media, have expanded geometrically.
  11. smr-nj

    MAP PR0N!

    Yep! Always been soda to me. when I first went away to college in Western Pennsylvania, coming from New Jersey, and just a year or two before that from the Bronx, when I heard people refer to soda as “pop“, I thought I had been transported back to the 1950s. Lol, …it was a culture shock to me.
  12. Bottom line. Delay Delay Delay
  13. Complicit. The Supreme Court Justices who side with this absurd notion that presidential immunity is absolute are complicit in destroying this democracy. Un-freaking-believable.
  14. That is NOT good enough. Ugh.
  15. Re:the Supreme Court hearing currently happening in regards to presidential immunity…. Listening to D. John Sauer is hard on the ears.
  16. Yeah, I guess satisfying MY need to see him thrown into a jail cell is probably not the smartest move. I will somehow cool my jets on that particular “want”. 🙂
  17. I wish people would stop making this about payment to a porn star. As distasteful as that might be/was, it’s not illegal, and it is NOT what this case is about.
  18. Hey. The both of you are making any kind of actual discourse in this thread impossible right now. There’s more than 3pages of this bickering. I can’t be the only member here who find this off-putting. How about you both take a step back for an hour or two, and perhaps allow others who might like to make a post …. Without it disappearing into this morass of pettiness. Thank you.
  19. Tomorrow morning is the gag order hearing. And just tonight Trump again made more comments about the jury. This would never be allowable for any other citizen of this country. This man needs to be held in contempt of court, put in handcuffs, and put into jail tomorrow night. this special treatment has got to come to an end. He is in contempt of court, the hell with these stupid monetary fines, …. His ass needs to be in a jail cell.
  20. On the news, interviewing people at the NYU protest, and for God’s sake, these idiots can’t even verbalize what they’re supposedly there for… because it looks/sounds like they haven’t a f’ing clue. Disgraceful - on the first night of Passover that there are absolutely haters of Israel and Jews, and people are applauding them. I’m sick to my stomach. edit to add - if I’m being truthful, what I’m really feeling right now is very angry.
  21. I never viewed her as being a part of “the squad”.
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