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Everything posted by Screwball

  1. I don't disagree, but why? People at our retailers are only a sign of what's going on in the bigger picture. I've watched the same exact thing in my industry for a long time as well. We can't find qualified people to do many of the jobs that need to be done. Which might be why there is so many jobs available - doesn't matter what they are - a barista or an engineer. It's easier to do it myself than babysit some fraud who can't do anything but play on their phone - and have no clue what to do anyway. So I chose not to hire anyone and work another 3 hours a day - because bottom line. That's how it works. If i don't, I don't have a job. It must be done, by someone. Add in our technology, and the obvious thing to do is replace labor. The easiest and quickest way to cure the bottom line - because we must beat the next earnings report for Wall Street. We are nothing but commodities, and if you don't believe that, you are a clueless tool.
  2. Today's Jobless claims from the BLS Discussions about automation? It's part of our life, and growing. It is deflationary, but also cost jobs - which is the intent. I've been a part of it as I spent 35 years in engineering/product design/manufacturing. It' not going away anytime soon. Ever heard of a robot? Maybe you should get out more.
  3. Good question. About a 2% annual average? To quote you. Chart porn: 2% is the narrative we are given by the Fed's mandate, which of course is been proven to be nothing but bullshit since 1913. But I digress... How's that chart look? That's the last 40 years. Looks to me like we are getting our ass kicked. Funny too, in all this talk, I didn't see anything about "automation." Automation doesn't call in sick, smoke cigarettes while on break, care about how many days they get off, or not have a way to get to work. Automation (in broad terms) just spits out parts so the system continues to feed the consumerism they have nurtured to make the rich richer, and the poor poorer. Three screws on an assembly line can save 3 jobs over 3 shifts - so 3 people lose a job. Cha-ching! We are being replaced as a workforce with robots, and of course slave labor all around the world. Ain't we fucking special?
  4. I'm old so I admit I'm partial; Janis kicked ass.
  5. I didn't realize he wrote so many good songs. Not only his, but for others too. He did one for Stevie Nicks who I had a crush on. Also part of the Traveling Wilburys. I can't remember the name, but I watched a music documentary and he was on there. What a hoot. Seemed like a happy guy, or toasted.
  6. A week old, but relevant; This DC party invite shows all the money to be made off the Ukraine war - Vox I think the logos along the bottom are a really classy touch
  7. RE: Tom Petty I'm old so I've known of him since forever, but I never appreciated what he gave us until after he died. Shame on me. Someone mentioned the song Great Wide Open. I never heard that until after he died - hooked the first time. But I wonder... What is the message in that song. Rebel without a clue. The kids name was Eddie Rebel I think. Don't be stupid, or just a name?
  8. This caught my attention. Disclosure; I don't closely follow the tech sector, but I know they have had the shit kicked out of them - FANGS (or whatever the current acronym) and all. So I did a little looking because I have one last beer to drink and and need something to do. AAPL is in the Tech sector, and the consumer electronic industry. Using your year timeframe above, let's take a look. Sector; Industry; Another angle from Mish; What Company Will Be the Second to Lose $1 Trillion in Market Cap? Some chart porn in that one. If you go to Finviz and filter AAPL you can see the insider activity, upgrades, downgrades, and all the usual good stuff. Great site. Looking at AAPL's charts, it looks pretty simple to me. The chart below goes back 3 years. The support looks pretty obvious at this point. Watch the $128.79 level. The first potential confirmation was in June of this year ($129.04). Closed today at $131.86, with a low of $129.64. So if one is interested in buying, now might be the time to do so. Or, around this time... ON EDIT; How could I forget... You could also see what Jim Cramer says and do the the opposite.
  9. From 7-February-2014; US regime-change operation in Ukraine exposed in leaked diplomatic phone call Kagan is also one of the founders of PNAC (Project for a New American Century), along with Bill Kristol. Signatories include John Bolton, Dick Cheney, Elliot Abrams, Jeb Bush, Scooter Libby, Don Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. Their statement of principles is a good read into the vision held by these war-mongering criminals. While the think-tank itself may be dissolved, these people and the ideology is not. It is alive and well today. This was suppose to be Hillary's war but that damn Trump got in the way and won the election, so they had to wait 4 years. No wonder they are so pissy.
  10. And there is more... From Bloomberg again; It Takes a Lot to Keep Inflation Data Secret, Including NDAs Interesting article on how the release process works, but in the end - nothing to see here. I still call BS, and this shouldn't be a difficult thing to track/trace - if they wanted to. But as usual, they don't. Corrupt to the core.
  11. Chief? What's that suppose to mean? A little pissy are we? How about sticking Chief where the sun don't shine. You should do a few things; 1) read some history about Ukraine and our "influence" in that country over the years (start around 2014ish). 2) get your combine started for more straw bailing. 3) check yourself into a propaganda detox center. 4) get over your righteous self. Now you can get back to tongue bathing the little creep Zelenskyy - you know the CIA/State Dept. puppet helping funnel money to the killing for profit machine and the whores in DC. Hell, you could even put a blue and yellow sign in your yard too. Yea, that would be great! Merry Christmas, and don't forget to send a few grand to the Ukrainians via Raytheon. The people of Virginia will love you for it. Meanwhile, I'll go long RTX.
  12. What’s In (and Not In) the $1.7 Trillion Spending Bill - from the Times FTA: Bold mine. More money for bombs and killing people. But I don't care about "Poland or Romania or Moldova or Ukraine." Guess not - I'm just against funding things to blow them up with. Nobody in the world wants this war other than the greed machine that controls DC. Where the money comes from - from the very same people who care nothing about killing people for money - because they get rich. It's what they do, and have done, for as long as I've been alive. So, save me your moral bullshit.
  13. Do you think they are going to invade us next?
  14. Maybe Yemen would be better (probably gets bombed more - cha-ching). Seems more punitive best I can tell. Us anti-war people should feel the pain too. The more, the better. Damn you if you don't like bombs. Last I looked, no country that I know of invaded the continental United States. Also can't find a good reason why any of them would want to anyway. We have a global economy that is very dependent on supply chains - and if they break down - things get ugly very quickly. The global supply chain knows that. But keep fucking with the "forces of nature" as Ned Beatty said in the above money speech from "Network (1976)." I remember when the democrats were the anti-war party. We are spending billions on this proxy war (to make the rich richer) while more Americans find themselves living on the streets. WTF? Merry Christmas! ON EDIT: Yes, I think we are that far gone.
  15. "collective security" is just a buzzword for tools who defend the global killing for profit machine that only benefits the select few
  16. Really? Live under Russia rule? Just admit it? LOL! Is this country really this far gone?
  17. Ukraine is subjugated by us. They are nothing but a tool in a giant money moving machine to make war toy companies rich (and their shareholders). We are now close to shelling out over $100 billion to a country to fund a proxy war that has an annual GDP of $155 billion, while Russia spends $65 billion on their military. We are not only insane, but bad at math. But the right people get rich so it's all good.
  18. Gomer, do you think Putin is in the room with you right now?
  19. I have to tell this story because I think some of you "musicians" will get a kick out of it. First, I must disclose, I have the musical talent of a brick. But I tried (piano, guitar, drums) and it didn't matter. So be it. I do have a few close buddies who play in bands and have done so for a long time. Enjoyed them around here when they do their thing - good for all involved. The funny part is one of the drummers I know... I know 3 drummers, probably 6 guitar guys, a few singers, along with an organ and harmonica player (harmonica guy nails "what I love about you" by the Romantics) as did the rest. Dance floor full. Fun stuff. Anyway, the one drummer guy was told at some point he was "only" a drummer and not a real musician. That never sat to well with him, so it is never allowed in the conversation. My best buddy in that conversation is also a drummer, and he's doesn't buy it either. Drummers matter IMO, and I have no agency to say that. A band without a drummer usually has canned noise or some form of metronome. That's what the drums are for - drink your beer. Giggle. I've been lucky in a small little town like Cornhole to always have local bands who do a great job. Thank you! I also think the musical talent is a gift. Some have it, some don't, and you can't teach it. For those who can - good for you, and thanks. Of course, that's coming from a brick.
  20. And it gives the War Department more money than they were asking for. Imagine that! Raytheon and Northrup Grumman says thanks Santa (that would be we the taxpayers). More insanity by insane people.
  21. I have to believe this transition is a nightmare for the process people. If a company has to tool up for new products they either build something new, or replace lines they already have under roof. Either way, time consuming, and expensive. Then make them productive. There will no doubt be casualties.
  22. Kind of already started. There is a "late model (like a car, not open wheel)" dirt guy who dominates at Eldora. They have a race late in the year called the World 100. Pays maybe quarter of a million. He's won it several times. Today there was a picture of a sprint car with his name on it. He did run one last year a few times. I know this dirt stuff isn't like F1 or Indy, but at one time, many of our great racers came from the dirt. At one time it was the same car at a dirt track and Indy the same year. I love the history and technology as it has progressed through the years. I was at a little shit hole track in Southern Ohio years ago. 1/3 mile steep banked bowl. This place was so far in the sticks they had to pump in sunlight. Maybe an hour from Columbus, but that night the special guest was Bobby Rahal of Indy car fame. He was in the booth. They asked him if he would like to climb in one - nope - no way. A.J Foyt, Mario, the Unser boys, and many other would probably call him a wussie, or something worse.
  23. That (the IT thing) is about the most piss poor answer you could come up with. Of course there seemed to be no further questions from anyone either. Imagine that. And we even have pictures (chart porn)... Who knew, and when did they know it? I would think the Keystone Cops could solve this one.
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