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Toddwert last won the day on August 19 2023

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  1. the draft being later and the rookie league season ends at the end of month I believe
  2. https://x.com/people4kam/status/1815163576287473783 REAKING: Today was the biggest online fundraising in the history of the Democratic Party. More than $80 million was raised in the 24 hours after Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death was announced. from the the next tweet
  3. yeah I was wondering why they ordered him to let Oscar pass.... maybe they wanted to get him his first win?
  4. I think its exciting to have someone running born after the Korean war
  5. anyone who believes she wasnt born her wasnt gonna vote for her anyways
  6. between that and Max flight it was a fun race and my guy Lewis got on podium
  7. I would be surprised Harris seems very slow with the Minor league guys look at Clark and Mcgonigle still at Lakeland
  8. funny i'm currently reading Ball Four and Bouton at 30 in book is treated like a washed up has been
  9. doesnt seem likely we'll see him back up pitching for the Tigers this season.... between him and Tork who's had a worse season
  10. and eveything he says is about building a foundation. Nothing from what he's said or did makes me think they are making a push in the next few years
  11. https://x.com/evanwoodbery/status/1813984954260598839?s=46 2025 schedule is out
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