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Toddwert last won the day on August 19 2023

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  1. Packers play tonight and have to travel to Detroit
  2. 8:30 8th inning
  3. the video saw was him swinging I never heard if he got hit before that
  4. was he hit? seems like it was from swinging, a lot of stress on those bird bones in your hands
  5. who wants a 3rd baseman who does that ?
  6. It doesnt feel like Harris agrees with you or they would've already brought him up
  7. whelp on Apple TV i guess i'll watch Banana ball on ESPN
  8. First Time Long Time!!!
  9. besides he sucks at third .893 fielding %
  10. its hard to know what the future is or whatever other offers were but it seems OK nothing to blow you away
  11. https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/dodgers-acquire-jack-flaherty-from-tigers-for-prospects-thayron-liranzo-trey-sweeney/ a review on the Flaherty trade
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