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Everything posted by Sports_Freak

  1. It was amazing how well the Lions stopped Barkley. Good job by the coaching to concentrate on him. But it did allow Jones to have several meaningful runs.
  2. Yeah, I have to agree. While the Lions are playing good, there's no excusing, explaining or defending their history. As a product, the Lions would have been out of business years ago. But success doesn't matter in the NFL. The Lions still made money, stinking up the league.
  3. The heck with high draft choices, I wanna see more wins. Maybe the Rams pick will be higher than our pick? Lol
  4. I have to give Campbell credit, he easily could have lost this team but he has them trending upwards. Pretty disciplined team, not many penalties and they're executing the plays. Impressive win, very impressive.
  5. Giants run for over 300 yards and controls the clock. Giants 24. Lions 10
  6. Can the Lions stop the run today? Chicago ran for over 200 yards.
  7. Twitter stupidity is WAY underrated. Someone asked why they can't play in Buffalo but the Lions can still play in N.Y. Get a map....Buffalo is much closer to Detroit than it is to NYC.
  8. Horrible defense...horrible coaching....there's no hope, ever.
  9. Such smart strategy. Here, you take the ball, we don't want it. Our worst ranked defense will give up a 5 minute TD drive. But don't worry, we get it first in the 2nd half. We'll be down 35-0, but we get the ball. If we had a solid defense, it might be a good strategy. But with our defense? Loss....
  10. Turn that around. If you think the Lions are going to be good next year, or the year after, after the last 60 years, the jokes on all of us. 😁😁
  11. I've been hearing these excuses for over 50 years. Not very original. Yeah, it's November but just wait until next year. We're gonna be good.....oh please.
  12. Exactly. Youth is a very, very poor excuse. Many other teams are also young and having success. The same as injury excuses. Most teams have multiple injuries.
  13. It's the Lions. They'll be given 4 or 5 more seasons. Especially if they stumble into the playoffs some season.
  14. Change coaches and let them bring in new players in a complete rebuild. Rinse and repeat. A tradition...for over 60 years. And yet there are people who struggle to defend this joke of a franchise. 😑😑
  15. It's that time of year where we start thinking about what kids life we're going to ruin by drafting him. I already feel sorry for whoever it is. Not even Halloween and out of it again. Same old Lions....sigh.
  16. Challenging the Brock play would have moved the ball to the half yard line, allowing for a QB TD. It was the wrong call. Even if the refs screwed up and didn't place the ball properly, we would have just lost a timeout and we would have still had a challenge.
  17. I must have missed his second fumble. I just saw the one at the goal line.
  18. While true, does it matter if they can't get in the end zone? Stats are for losers, or fantasy football players. 🤣
  19. He didn't go for it on 4th down and put his NFL worse defense in a hole. Making progress.
  20. If they would have moved the ball to where he was down we wouldn't have lost a TO. No reason not to challenge it.
  21. But how about when they turn the corner and need a coach to have their back by challenging a call or calling an effective play? Do we think Campbell will learn all of a sudden? He's going to hold this team back with all his coaching mistakes. Every game it's something totally stupid.
  22. Only one bone headed coaching mistake today. A TD not called a TD should have been reviewed. Wasted defensive effort by our team in this game. Does Campbell deserve to finish the season? Yeah, the players love him but will he ever learn to be an NFL head coach? Mistake after mistake....
  23. Opening drive in K.C. Raiders go for it on 4th and 1 from their own 43 yard line. Carr throws a bomb to D. Adams, touchdown. 57 yard pass and catch. I wonder if Campbell was watching?
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