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Everything posted by ben9753

  1. He’s a charter member of the now crazy popular Stephen Silas Fan Club. He was doing it before it was cool.
  2. Weaver's probably thinking, "good thing we got Wiseman, or we'd be 2-53. See how smart I am?"
  3. As long as he holds on to the football... heads up play scooping it out of bounds.
  4. I read that as they probably belong in the gulag. Maybe they can would win some games there.
  5. I say he raise his asking price to 50M a year.
  6. Seems like the last 3 years have been the exact same story. Some early season success, we all get excited that they are turning a corner, and then Poof, it's all gone in a 2 week span. And we'll try again next year...
  7. wow. can this go to the Supreme Court or is this a state's issue?
  8. Any thing that makes Patricia sad makes me happy. So I’m happy.
  9. As an aside, the Allies didn't fight the Germans to stop the Holocaust, read "FDR and the Holocaust". He refused to bomb the tracks to the camps or the camps themselves to slow their killing operations, and really didn't make saving Jews any priority.
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